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The Soul Before the Womb « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Soul Before the Womb

August 9, 2015

“THE soul as it leaves God’s hands projects His image without hindrance, for it is utterly sinless and immortal. Marie des Vallées, the extraordinary seventeenth century mystic to whom St. Grignon de Montfort and St. John Eudes owe so much of their eschatology and Marian doctrine, was privileged over the course of a week without interruption to see newly created souls before they were joined to their bodies. St. John, her confessor and biographer, quoted her as saying that Divine Love showed her, “pointing them out merely with the finger, an incalculable number of souls just as they are when issuing from the hands of the Creator, before being soiled by original sin. I saw them adorned with a beauty so great that man is incapable of understanding or experiencing it. Oh, it didn’t surprise me that God came down from heaven to redeem such beautiful creatures!”

Solange HertzThe Passion of the Church; “Death’s Door”

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