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A Finishing Touch on the Army « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Finishing Touch on the Army

September 18, 2015


Eric Fanning, left

KARL D. writes:

All is now right with the world. Our glorious leader has nominated Eric Fanning as our first openly homosexual Secretary of the Army. Besides this, as far as I can tell, he has never served in uniform in any branch of the service. I don’t know if that is the norm or not, but I would think that that at least would be a must? Anyway, while morale goes down the toilet this nomination will make up for it. As long as there are female toilets on submarines, women and transexuals in combat positions, and homosexuals running the Army, we have nothing to be concerned about.

Every day brings Rome just a little bit closer to collapse.

— Comments —

Sven writes:

There’s nothing unusual about a non-veteran being in the Secretary of the Army position, as America has a long tradition of civilian military oversight. However, this is another attempt to demoralize the military, one of the few remaining institutions with any vestiges of masculinity. Of course, the military is highly revered among conservatives, so this is also an opportunity to advertise the complete victory of Cultural Marxism.

Sometimes I wonder if our elites understand that by promoting this type of filth that they are dooming themselves in the long run? As an example, Apple has had one fiasco after the next since Mr. Jobs died. Apple’s new CEO is more interested in promoting “gay marriage” than in building the legacy of successful company.

Laura writes:

This is a deliberate provocation.

In my opinion, it is an act of treason, an attack against the very life force of the army, which is masculine honor and esprits de corps. 

Terry Morris writes:

Conservative 1: Hey, Jim, have you heard about the new nomination for Secretary of the Army? First openly gay nomination to the post in U.S. history!

Conservative 2: That’s just wrong! I believe in equal rights for gays and all, but this is just taking things too far! Whatever happened to Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell? By the way, did you hear about the New England Patriots cheating scandal?!

Conservative 1: No I didn’t! Do tell! …

Laura writes:

Well, there you go. So much for that life force.

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