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A Truly Strange Shooting « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Truly Strange Shooting

September 2, 2015

IN THE entry on the Virginia shooting, Wheeler writes:

For any readers who own a handgun and want to try an experiment, take an old rug or carpet and roll it up. Dress it with a shirt or blouse similar to the one Ms. [Alison] Parker was wearing. Stand at the same approximate distance that the shooter stood from the reporter and squeeze off a few rounds (with your cellphone camera running, of course). Then tell me you didn’t see at least some disturbance of the fabric.

Truly, if people of average intelligence can watch videos like the one of the TV shooting and not see that there are problems with the official narrative, there’s little that can be said to convince them otherwise. If people of average intelligence can read/listen to that official narrative and not have certain questions arise in their minds, well, God bless them. Sometimes, the desire to avoid being called a “conspiracy nut” (or a racist, or a sexist, or a trannyphobe, in other circumstances) can drown out the discordant signals that someone who lacks such fear can pick up quite clearly.

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