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Auster and the Jews « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Auster and the Jews

September 29, 2015

DAN M. writes:

I’m trying to figure out if you and Lawrence Auster debated about the Jews and anti-Semitism. You may remember that I was an avid reader and occasional contributor at VFR. It was in comments there that I discovered your writing.

I recall Auster taking a strong position that Jews (and other majority leftist subcultures) would fall in line with a more substantially self-assured and nationalistic majority culture.

In equal terms and with some frequency, I recall Auster condemning viewpoints that would seem fairly aligned with some of your more recent writings on Jews – embracing Protocols of Zion, crediting Judaism with dogmatic and scriptural components uniquely designed to undermine western and Christian society (and disproportionately successful in doing so).

When did your thoughts on the Jews come to deviate so substantially from his? Or would you say that’s an inaccurate reading on my part?

Laura writes:

Nice to hear from you.

No, I didn’t debate the issue with Mr. Auster.

I just want to clarify about the Protocols. I certainly don’t base my views of Jewish influence on them. I do recommend every educated person read them. They were written well before the Russian Revolution and constitute a chillingly accurate prophecy of what happened there and in many countries later. Whoever wrote them was certainly onto something. The controversial issue of their authencity is something I have studied and I would like to post some of the debate in the future. I realize that for many people, who are woefully uninformed about what the Protocols are, even mentioning the Protocols constitutes Nazism and the desire to kill Jews. This view is based in hatred — hatred of Christianity, not Jews. In a world of lies, hoaxes are truths and truths are hoaxes.

Lawrence Auster, a Jewish convert to Anglicanism (and then Catholicism at the end), was right in condemning hateful websites, most of which, I have to say, I cannot comment upon because I have never read them. However, he sometimes used the “Anti-Semite” label too freely. I am guilty of that too. I regret that. Mr. Auster wrote some powerful pieces on Jewish influence in America. However, I do not believe that strong criticism of Israel amounts to, as Mr. Auster sometimes said, supporting the annihilation of Israelis. Supporting Israel amounts to supporting terrorism and brutal mistreatment of Palestinians. (That is not to deny Arab atrocities.) I am no longer a Christian Zionist. I obviously also no longer share his view of 9/11. I think if he had looked into it more, he would have come to the same conclusion I have: that the official account is a tissue of lies. The chances of Israeli complicity are very high. Mr. Auster also was not up on the latest research on another very important issue: the Holocaust. That six million Jews were killed in gas chambers by the Nazis is a historical thesis now widely discredited. There is no credible evidence of gas chambers in Germany and no order from Hitler to exterminate the Jews. Jews sustained horrible suffering under the Third Reich. But the popular Holocaust script is fable — an immense criminal fraud and extortion racket. (That’s not “Holocaust denial;” that’s “Holocaust” revisionism.)

Here is an interesting story. After Mr. Auster died, I met a Jewish lawyer who had given him significant financial support.

He said, “You know, I admired Larry a lot and agreed with so much of what he wrote.”

And then he added, “But I strongly disagreed with him on one issue.”

I said, “What was that?”

He said, “The Jews.”

He thought that Mr. Auster vastly under-rated the extent of Jewish subversion and dominance of America.

The number of Jews who reject the Zionist project is growing by the day and there are some very powerful Jewish critics of Jewish influence, such as Henry Makow, who rightly claims that the Talmud has for many centuries propagated even in non-religious Jews the view that they are hated by the world. This is a form of rabbinic oppression.

At the time, I didn’t think much of the comment by the Jewish lawyer. But my thinking on this issue has changed, especially over the last two years after a lot of hard, time-consuming study. I am grateful to the many authors, especially Dr. E. Michael Jones, Michael Hoffmann III, the Rev. Denis Fahey and Hugh Akins, who have written powerfully and persuasively on this topic. No one wants to write about this topic. Jewish organizations such as the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center conduct extensive espionage operations on American citizens and do not hesitate to attempt to destroy critics of Jewish influence. It’s right out of the Bolshevik playbook. Someday it may very well be a crime in Judeo-totalitarian America to deny the official version of 9/11, as it is a crime to “deny” the Holocaust in some European countries. (Most “deniers” do not deny that hundreds of thousands of Jews died in Nazi camps or deportations and that these murders are appalling.) There is nothing comparable among Christian organizations to the well-funded spying, subversive practices and deliberate deception practiced by some of the top Jewish organizations, which are not registered as foreign agents, as they surely should be. As Dr. Jones has written, “An anti-Semite used to be someone who hated Jews. Now an anti-Semite is someone hated by Jews.”

A friend of mine is an Israeli emigrant who works in an Ivy League university. She and her co-workers manage the Jewish collection. The university buys every single book published in Israel, even obscure, second-rate small books of poetry and other things they would never even consider if they were produced in this country.  They buy and catalogue every single book produced in Israel. Those thousands of volumes that cannot fit on the library shelves are shipped to an enormous warehouse. I guess they will all be brought out someday in the future.

When I write about Jews, I am not referring to my Jewish neighbors, friends or relatives. (Just as I am not referring to the average black person when I criticize black criminals or black supremacists.) I am referring to the cabal of extremely high-placed, wealthy, often secretive and sometimes viciously anti-Christian individuals who now largely dominate our country, through the banking system, the media and a complex of powerful lobbying organizations. The ACLU raises no hue and cry when a menorah is lit on the White House lawn. But they have systematically fought against the public expression of Christianity. These and others are bringing about the Capitalist/Communist version of Soviet tyranny. Someday people will look back and see the Kim Davis case as an example of long lost liberty. We are in the midst of an intense war to wipe out Christianity and erect a New World Order. There is indeed a shadow government that controls both political parties. Things are moving quickly now and if you think a relatively small number of people cannot topple a large country, you are naive. Look at the largely Jewish Bolshevik Revolution. With billions and determination, a great deal of revolution can be had. According to the Talmud, it is permissible to lie and to murder non-Jews. Talmudism is not the religion of the ancient Israelites.

This issue is not racial. I adamantly reject that idea. Yes, the Talmud teaches the racial supremacy of the Jews, but the Jew, as Dr. Jones wrote in his book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, is a theological construct.

The difference between a rational critic of Jewish power and an anti-Semite is, to paraphrase Mr. Akins, the author of Synagogue Rising, that the former sees problems to be solved (let’s close down the Federal Reserve Bank for starters) and the latter sees people to be hated. We must never forget that this is, and always will be, a complicated issue.

The solution here is the truth, that’s all. Just the truth. No hatred on either side, just the truth.

I certainly don’t see Jews as the source of all evil, as Mr. Auster said of people who challenged the Holocaust numbers! The source of all evil is in every human heart.

Anyway, I don’t plan to devote myself full-time to this issue, but I must say “Adieu” to some of my friends from VFR. It was nice living through the apocalypse with you.

— Comments —

Kathlene writes:

Last year Alison Weir wrote an historical book about the United States’ history with Israel called “Against Our Better Judgement.”  (I have read excerpts but not the entire book yet.)

‪Due to this book and her work exposing the truth about this relationship, she has been predictably attacked as an anti-semite by the ADL and other pro-Israel Jewish groups.

‪One interesting bit of information I learned via her website was that author and journalist Donald Neff, who covered Israel and Palestine for many years and who died in May 2015, is virtually unknown despite his many meticulous books and columns.  He was essentially erased from history.

‪One important point Donald Neff had written about in “Epiphany at Beit Jala,” Dec. 1995, which I wasn’t aware of, is that dual citizenship became a reality in the United States in 1967, two years after the passage of the 1965 immigration act.  This 1967 decision enabled Israeli-American dual citizens to have more influence in America:

‪Another American Zionist showed Neff his Israeli passport alongside his U.S. one. Neff was taken aback; it had been illegal for Americans to hold dual citizenship. The man proudly informed him that the policy had been changed in 1967 by the Supreme Court, adding with emphasis that the case had been brought by an Israeli and the swing vote was cast by Abe Fortas.

‪In later researching Fortas, Neff discovered that Fortas was a Zionist and that among his first thoughts when he left the Supreme Court had been to visit Israel. “There was nothing wrong with that,” Neff wrote, “but it did indicate an attachment of such personal importance that he should have recused himself from the dual citizenship case.” This ruling, Neff wrote, “had destroyed a 200-year tradition.”

‪See here.

I have tried to find Neff’s books but they appear to be out of print; however, they can be purchased at online used bookstores.   Our libraries here do not carry them.

‪And one final note: You probably are aware that Obama’s sudden rise was backed by the Chicago Jewish community.

‪”Some of my earliest and most ardent supporters came from the Jewish community in Chicago,” Obama told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in 2004, just after his keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention had galvanized the party and made his name a household word overnight.

‪See here.

‪Many of our country’s misguided and disastrous policies begin to make more sense in these historical contexts.

Laura writes:

Thank you for writing.

The dual citizenship issue represents another one of those fixable problems staring us in the face.

James Nolan writes:

After reading several of your posts on topics about the Talmud and Jewish influence in the US, I did a search on Lawrence Auster’s blog [about a week or so ago] and found this fascinating commentary – a chapter from an unpublished book – that Mr. Auster posted shortly before his death. I don’t remember if I read it in 2013 but the posting has valuable insights about the significant influence on American culture that a small portion of the population has wielded for the better part of a century now. He even wrote briefly about the Talmud’s strong influence on the thought and behavior of the Jewish community.

Laura writes:

Yes, that’s one of the powerful pieces I mentioned.

Bruce B. writes:

I think he was sometimes too loose with anti-semitism accusations. But I can understand because early on in his blogging he received a number of genuinely anti-semitic correspondences from some really bad people. I mean literal neo-Nazi types. Some were made public on VFR and some were not. In particular, they used to refer to him as a subversive. That all his efforts were to subvert white interests and advance Jewish interests. This had to be quite a slap in the face.

 Craig writes:

I was a reader of VFR for many years and appreciated Lawrence Auster’s web site. I enjoy reading your blog as well.

‪My thinking about the Jews and Israel has taken a rather startling turn this past year. I have taken Jesus’ assessment of the Jews in the Book of Revelation seriously when Christ alerts the churches to the phenomenon of Jews NOT really being Jews (Revelation 2:9, 3:9). Think of it – Jesus is not saying they are not “spiritually” Jews – he is saying they are literally NOT Jews!

‪There has been a lot of historical, biological and genetic research that Israel is NOT Jewish and that today’s “Jews” are not really descendants of the original twelve Biblical tribes. See this website for more (http://church-of-yehovah.org/israel.htm). The current Jew is a degraded version of post-Babylonian Talmudic Jewry; the real Jew or Israelite was part of the dispersion of Jeremiah’s time in which ten of the tribes “disappeared.” Some people believe that Great Britain and the US ARE those Israelites through a long historical process of exile and migration.

‪The current “Jews” that are so much maligning the U.S. and undermining Anglo-Saxon Judeo-Christianity culturally and financially are the false degraded pseudo-Jews that are waging a war against the real Israelites (as predicted and prefigured by the Esau-Jacob conflict in the Old Testament). This is WHY there is such a hatred of the real Israel (us!!!) by the false Jews who want to destroy the real Israel.

‪The nation of Israel is a bastard country populated by fake Jews (biologically, genetically, historically and culturally). Zionism has nothing in common with Moses and Jesus. Modern Jewish liberalism promotes hatred of Christianity and advocates things such as homosexuality. The fundamentalists do err when they pin eschatology onto the fate of the nation of Israel. Fake, fake, fake. God has moved on through Jesus and has no interest in the fake country of “Israel.”

‪Israel is a fake country and American Jews are fake Israelites – none of these are real Israelites. Real Israelites accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ (Great Britain, U.S.A, Canada, etc.) and are now facing opposition from the fake Jews. They are fake not only culturally and spiritually but genetically and biologically! Modern Israel and modern Jews are a fake bloodline trying to establish and legitimize themselves through a fake process.

‪Most of the people who died in the concentration camps WERE NOT EVEN TRUE JEWS so this whole Holocaust issue is a fake Semitic concept.

Laura writes:

You are right about Christian Zionism. The religion of the ancient Israelites ended with the Incarnation. It found its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. As you say, the faithful Israelites accepted the gospel — and the Church —  of Jesus Christ. (There was no written gospel for more than 300 years and after that it was inaccessible to most people. The Apostles and their followers went forth and taught all nations without Bibles.) Talmudic Judaism was a new religion.

Most Jews today are descendants of Khazars, not the people of ancient Israel.

But, as far as Britons and Americans being genetically descended from Israelites, I’ve never heard of that and would think it would be hard to prove. But, more importantly, what difference does it make? It isn’t genetics that makes a Christian. Real Israelites are all over the world.

You write:

God has moved on through Jesus and has no interest in the fake country of “Israel.”

He does, of course, have interest in the “Jews.” He loves them and seeks them out, but there is no messianic role for Israel.

Bruce B. writes:

Anglo Israelism was popular in the 19th century.  I read an article about it years ago. All I remember about it was the claim that “Sax” is Saxon was derived from the “saac” in Isaac which isn’t true.

My understanding is that genetic evidence points to combination of Levantine and Italian/southern French ancestry for the Ashkenazi.

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