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Culture of Death Slippery Slope « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Culture of Death Slippery Slope

September 5, 2015

BERT PERRY writes:

What bothers me almost as much as the acceptance of ever more heinous crimes against human life is the excuses people give. I’ve recently had a discussion with two people who have argued that the “roll tape” exposé of Planned Infanticide was somehow false–as if the obvious dickering over price, desire for a sports car, and modification of infanticide procedures for getting “tissue samples” hadn’t been done by Planned Infanticide officials.

In other words, we’re getting to the point where, in the minds of adherents to various aberrant ideologies, even videotaped evidence is not sufficient to demonstrate that something occurred.  The very notion of truth is being discarded for political motivations.


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