Francis Luvs U
September 27, 2015

“We were just joking about that damnation stuff. Solemn nonsense. We didn’t really mean it! Come on in, folks!”
— Comments —
Thomas F. Bertonneau writes:
As you know, I am a student of culture, high and low, and I look for patterns in everything. Under the header “Francis Luvs U,” we see a large banner bearing an image of Jorge Bergoglio underscored peculiarly by the name, in large letters, “BRIAN.” In another post, we learn how a United States Congressman misappropriated a glass from which Bergoglio had earlier drunk.
Wondering why the Congressman would commit such a tasteless act, my mind went back to the not inconsiderable Monty Python film The Life of Brian (1979). During one scene, religiously stymied people, literal of mind, have decided that the feckless but sympathetic Brian is the Messiah (despiite the presence in Jerusalem of the actual Messiah), and they begin harassing him through the city streets into the desert. One ecstatic hopeful discovers a shoe, which he immediately fetishes under the claim that it is his, i.e., Brian’s shoe. I suppose that if Congressman Brady, who looks to be about as bright as the intellectually low-grade Gnostic in the Monty Python movie, were asked, why did you gift yourself with the item, he would answer – because it’s his cup!
An old slur against Catholics is that they “worship the Pope.” Brady apparently worships Bergoglio.