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Henry Makow on the Real Jewish Oppression « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Henry Makow on the Real Jewish Oppression

September 24, 2015

HENRY MAKOW, who was raised as a Jew, writes in his latest column on the recent controversy over Ann Coulter’s “anti-Semitic” remarks:

Anti Semitism is very good for Jewish leadership but not so good for ordinary Jews who are unaware of the Satanic nature and agenda of the Jewish enterprise.  Anti Semitism enables the leaders to control and manipulate the flock who think they are hated for no reason. This is why Jewish organizations lovingly tabulate incidents of anti Semitism every year. Why the Jewish leadership organizes terrorism and pogroms against JewsWhy the Jewish leadership is implicated in the Holocaust. Why Jews are trauma brainwashed. Anti Semitism makes Jews support Israel.

Jews are not monolithic. Like all groups in society today, and society itself, the leadership is Cabalist or Satanic. The rank and file are sheep.

Ultimately, if things go wrong, the blame will be cast on the rank and file.

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