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Mr. Bergoglio Goes to Washington « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Mr. Bergoglio Goes to Washington

September 22, 2015



All bets are off as Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, the Argentinian apostate layman claiming to be the Pope of the Catholic Church, meets Barack Obama, the infanticide-promoting, Kenyan-born Socialist dictator claiming to be the President of the United States. Obama has long outed himself as an admirer of “Pope” Bergoglio, joining other high-profile leftists such as Hillary ClintonElton JohnMadonnaBernie Sanders, and others.

After visiting fellow-revolutionaries Fidel and Raul Castro in Cuba earlier in the week, Francis now marches on Washington, New York City, and Philadelphia to further promote his show of “humility”, “mercy”, and “love” that are nothing of the sort.

Nevertheless, we dare make some predictions … Read more here.  

Follow the Novus Ordo Watch live twitter feed for outstanding, ongoing commentary on Francis’s visit to the United States.

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