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Sympathy for Assad « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Sympathy for Assad

September 28, 2015



I suspect the reason for creating constant upheaval in the Arab countries (which also have quite a few Christians) is money. Arab countries have their own banks and from what I can find out, do not have much to do with usury, fractional reserve banking, or other dishonest money practices. The big bankers have to “break” these nations by getting them to borrow to defend themselves. Then they will owe and owe and the world bankers will take over their countries, and get their wealth which is what they have been after all along. They have never been able to get their mitts on this wealth and it sticks in their craw, to use an old hill-country expression.

Assad and his family appear to be normal human beings who just want their country to be left in peace. Assad knows who is behind all this. (I always felt sorry for Greece, whose king resigned and took up residence in England when the bankers staged rebellion in order to shame him into resigning). Assad knows what they are up to. The Greeks today are sad that their king gave up and left them to the type of government they now have. I hope Assad won’t go away.

Assad’s wife is British born, and the family looks just like any of us. The personal insecurity and terror that family must feel just has to be enormous. We should be praying for them.

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