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The Model Minority: Olympic Logo Edition « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Model Minority: Olympic Logo Edition

September 2, 2015



The BBC reports on another alleged case of Asian plagiarism:

The logo for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Games has been scrapped after allegations that it was plagiarised.

The Games organising committee said there were too many doubts over the emblem for it to be used. A Belgian artist had complained that his design was stolen.

Logo designer Kenjiro Sano had admitted copying online material for a previous project, Japanese media reported.

In July, a new Olympic stadium design was scrapped amid a row over its cost.

The logo was unveiled only last month, based around the letter T and a red circle representing a beating heart – which critics said resembled the Japanese flag.

Its withdrawal is a highly unusual move.

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