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The Suspicious Clock « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Suspicious Clock

September 22, 2015


ED H. writes:

Being inherently skeptical of almost everything produced by the mainstream media networks, I was a bit suspicious of recent reports about a 14-year-old boy in Texas who was treated quite poorly by police due to “Islamophobia” on behalf of school administrators and law enforcement. However, all initial reports were mostly from the big media outlets and the reports I read from smaller news outlets or individual bloggers which contradicted the “Islamophobia” narrative either appeared somewhat biased (i.e., neocons) or had no references to back up their opinions. Whenever I observe the big media networks use any word with the “phobia” suffix (homophobia, Islamophobia, etc.) it seems they’re usually pushing a false narrative, aside from being annoying, as with the post-Watergate trend of naming all scandals with the “gate” suffix. If media reports are to be believed, this budding genius had “invented” some type of electronic clock or similar device and put it into a suitcase to transport it to his school. Then after arriving at school, the horrible, bigoted Christians immediately suspected the boy of bringing in a bomb because Christian, bigoted bigots are big on bigotry. Especially in Texas dontcha’ know.

Anyhow I found this video regarding the Texas “clock” incident which seems to be an accurate summary of the event. The video was done by Stefan Molyneux who has a popular website and YouTube channel which deal with philosophy and current events. Mr. Molyneux provided 15 references which he used to create this 16-minute video, after a cursory inspection of the links I find his video to be accurate and credible with a minimum of fallacious techniques typically used my big media outlets to mislead viewers. Moluleux does use a few ad hominems in the piece but given the level of false narrative involved I believe they’re justified out of his notable frustration with the religious/race baiting nature of the original story. If anyone else can provide substantial evidence which contradicts Mr. Molyneux’s video about this case, I’d love to see it and I think he would as well.

— Comments —

A reader writes:

Mr. Molyneux makes a good case in his video although he takes far too many minutes to make it.  I summarize:  It wasn’t a clock; it was a timer cobbled together from pieces of a 1980s digital device once sold by Radio Shack, placed inside a small metal-framed briefcase closed with a hardened cable.  It had no battery; an operator needed to open the case and physically plug the gizmo into a wall-socket to activate it, which is what Mohamed did in his English class.  That is why the timer went off.

Molyneux does not carry his analysis far enough.  In the world of Twenty-First Century Jihad, timing devices have no import whatsoever apart from a threatening one: Religiously motivated mass-murderers use them to explode bombs in order to kill people.  A significant weight of plastic explosive and shrapnel could have been packed into the case along with the timer.  Had such a combination exploded in a crowded middle-school classroom, it would at least have injured all of the students; possibly it would have killed some of them.

The purpose of Mohamed’s jape seems to have been to shame ordinary people, especially classroom teachers and school administrators, into disregarding suspicious packages carried onto school premises by Muslim children.  “Nothing happened” this time, except that every healthy intuition about terrorist targeting of schools has now been trumped by the deliberately manipulated shame of thinking that a Muslim child might lethally attack his school-chums on school premises with a bomb.  The sheep will be studiously quiet the next time it occurs and their thanks will be their murder or maiming.

I have long wondered why Muslims have not attacked American children in school.  They have exercised no such scruples in Russia, the Middle East, or Nigeria.  Anders Breivik attacked what amounted to a school in Norway.  American public schools are soft targets.  Americans should not accept the attempt at shaming them for their just suspicions.  They should redouble their vigilance.  A homicidal attack on American children is coming – and the Ahmed Mohammed case is the unmistakable road-sign that a bloody atrocity is coming.


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