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Against Conservatism « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Against Conservatism

October 21, 2015

THOMAS F. BERTONNEAU writes at the Sydney Traditionalist Forum’s Symposium 2015 that a “conservative” is:

A historyless, cultureless person who believes that life today is normal, and that things have always been normal; and who judges that Globalization must be good for people because it is merely an improvement on what is normal – that is, the subjection of everything to Economy. A Traditionalist, by contrast, grasps Globalization as the exportation of crisis not only to every quarter of the world, but to every city, town, and village of every niche of every quarter of the world. A Traditionalist grasps that Progress is deeply abnormal, globally existential in its implications, and that its crisis-mongers cannot be bought off. The price of stopping them is much higher than any simple bribery – and there is no room for hedging.

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