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“Cute” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


October 28, 2015

A PLANNED PARENTHOOD doctor and a co-worker talk about dissecting aborted fetuses that will be sold for research. This is in the eleventh undercover video by the Center for Medical Progress:

“One of our POC persons is really into organ development,” she explained. “She’ll pull out kidneys, and heart and like heart we frequently see at nine weeks and she always looks for it.”

“Well it’s cute,” the Whole Women’s Health official said, laughing. “It’s cute.”

— Comments —

Melanie writes:

What really blows my mind about this whole PP fiasco is that they still have a vast number of militant supporters. You see it across social media, all these ridiculous hashtags claiming to #standwithPP. Not that the lazy use of hashtags is about to start any kind of revolution, but it gives you a general scope.

In the end all of it begs the question, what will it take to change people’s hearts and minds? If not this, what more could it possibly be? Puppies? Planned Parenthood has been so successful in perpetrating the lie that women cannot survive without them. That women will be plunged into the dark ages if they don’t have access to Planned Parenthood’s abortion services. When the irony is, Planned Parenthood has been successfully oppressing women for years!

The whole thing is incredibly maddening.

Laura writes:

We are surrounded by mass hypnosis.

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