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Family Farce Starts in Rome « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Family Farce Starts in Rome

October 5, 2015


AS the conclave known as the Synod on the Family opened in Rome yesterday, the Vatican of the international pop star, “Pope” Francis, gave more strong and unmistakable signals of support for the normalization of homosexuality. It distanced itself from Kentucky clerk and civil resister Kim Davis when a spokesman stated that the pope’s private and initially unpublicized meeting with her during his U.S. visit last week must not be construed as support. (At the most, to a modernist in the Vatican II Church, it would have been only a matter of respecting her freedom of conscience, not defending her opposition to an unjust law.)  The news also broke that Francis met with a male homosexual couple in a special private audience during his visit to the United States. Finally, a priest with a position in the Congregation for the Doctrine and Faith announced that he was homosexual and introduced his partner. He was fired, but …. why was he there?

Pull up a chair. The Great Apostasy continues.

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