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Freemasons Sound Like “Pope” Francis « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Freemasons Sound Like “Pope” Francis

October 1, 2015



Syrian refugees off Greek island of Lesbos

SEBASTIEN writes from Paris:

Here is a copy of a Sept. 7, 2015 letter signed by 28 Grand Masonic Lodges in Europe requesting that governments take in a maximum number of invaders. The letter calls them ‘migrants’ but they are nothing of the kind. It is a manufactured refugee crisis of mostly men men of fighting age, very few of whom are from Syria.

Strangely enough, all the Grand Masonic Lodges that have signed the pledge are from countries where Protestants are in a minority. I guess these Luciferians believe that the reminaing tepid Catholicism is still a stumbling block to their plans of a global governement under the destructive slogan of liberty, equality and fraternity.

Israel, who have racial purity laws when it comes to accepting migrants of their own are quite happy to assist in the destruction of what is left of Christian Europe.

Many may already already be familiar with Barbara Lerner Spectre. She just says in public what the synagogue says in private. If you haven’t seen this, you are invited to take a look and see of the ugly face of the talmudic messianic project which aims for the complete destruction of the goyim.

But blaming the Jews for the destruction of Europe is like blaming fast food for obesity. No one is obliged to consume and the fault lies with us who have abandoned Catholic truths and common sense.

Here is a quick translation of the French letter of September 15, 2015::

Declaration by the European Grand Masonic Lodges

The European Grand Masonic Lodges, alarmed by the tragedy suffered by migrants, victims of misery fleeing their war torn nations, call on the European governments to put into place the indispensable common policies required to provide a dignified and humane welcome for these distressed populations. The inability of states to overcome their national selfishness is once more the sign of a sick Europe where the principle of everyman for himself, takes priority over the common good.

The European Grand Masonic Lodges remind you that the respect of human rights and the principle of human dignity are part of the founding values of the European project. It is on the basis of these principles that solidarity between nations was put into place. This spirit of solidarity is all the more necessary in these troubled times that affect many regions of the world.

Without going back on the history of a continent forged with the help of many migrations, these current dramas ought to provoke a crisis of conscience and inspire innovative welcoming policies. Otherwise, the European continent will eventually be the theatre of divisions and conflicts that will precipitate the peoples in a new misfortune. It can only end in resurgence of nationalism.

The current tragedy must therefore be the source of renaissance and renewal of the European dream. The Grand Lodges signatory (to this document) expect from now on, acts in which the founding European values of solidarity and fraternity find their true and just expression.

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