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Hatred of “Haters” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Hatred of “Haters”

October 30, 2015

Dr. THOMAS A. DROLESKEY writes at Christ or Chaos:

One of the many consequences of the lack of a superabundance of Sanctifying and Actual Graces flowing out into the world involves the false, infantile belief that to criticize someone for anything is to “hate” him.

Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro and many of his supporters are quick to denounce any and all criticize of him and his lawless policies as racists who are filled with resentment against a black president (who happens to be half Caucasian as well, of course).

To oppose the chemical and surgical slaughter of the innocent preborn is said to engage in a “war against women.”

Those who oppose the promotion of the sin of Sodom under the cover of civil law and all throughout what passes for popular culture are said to “hate” homosexuals, lesbians, mutants and other practitioners of perverse sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance. “Homophobia” has even been denounced by officials of the counterfeit church of conciliarism.

To support the legitimate enforcement of the immigration laws to secure the integrity of the borders and the public health and safety of the citizens of the United States of America is said to be

To point out that Mohammedans who commit acts of terror around the world are being completely faithful to the blasphemous Koran is said to be “Islamophobia.”

Any number of like examples could be given.

Each example, however, is nothing other than infantilism, that is, the emotional reaction of a child steeped in disordered self-love who wants to use every manipulative emotional trick in the book to get his way.

As I used to explain to my students during the thirty some years of my college teaching career that had a brief reprise last year before ending suddenly (in part, although only in part, because I refused to be “neutral” on matters of moral right and wrong and was vocal about the demand that had been made for me to maintain such “neutrality”), the precepts of the Natural Law require those who serve in the civil government to exercise statesmanship, that is, to do what is correct, not what is expedient for their retention of popular support and thus of their hold on power. This requires a civil office-holder to go against the grain of “public opinion” even to the point of forfeiting popularity, human respect and career success.

We must please God, not men. Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ really meant it when He said:

For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul? (Matthew 16:27.)

Human nature being what it is, however, those amongst the citizenry who do not want to hear hard truths recoil into a form of infantile behavior as though to say to some civil potentate who, for example, might be opposed to the slaughter of the innocent preborn and to the perverse, indecent absurdity that is “gay marriage, “You’re mean! You’re nasty. You’re a hater. Well, I hate you, too!”

Dr. Droleskey then goes on to recount an episode in which he was accused by both the Southern Poverty Law Center and Fox News of being a hater.

— Comments —

Paul C. writes:

Compared to the items the Professor references, mention of the Southern Confederate flag conflagration seems small.  It is mentionable because it has inexplicably, suddenly become a hot-button topic and is also an example of “the emotional reaction of a child steeped in disordered self-love who wants to use every manipulative emotional trick in the book to get his way.”  (The Professor is an intellectual who likes to define his terms in plain English.)

It is ironic that Southerners, of all regions, are reputedly the most patriotic towards our United States of America and its flag; they sometimes will fly the flags together unless the Confederate flag would be gauche.  America is always the home team for Southerners.  Because people like their home teams, they hate the other teams?  No.  And  Infantilism is a word to remember.

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