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Objections in Oregon to Obama’s Visit « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Objections in Oregon to Obama’s Visit

October 6, 2015

DAVID JACQUES, publisher of the Roseburg Beacon, has reportedly spoken out against Obama’s planned visit to the area to promote gun control in the wake of the Umpqua Community College shooting:

We haven’t even identified bodies, we’ve still got incident command trying to contain the scene, and he’s holding a press conference 3,000 miles away from here, telling — almost implying that he could have single-handedly prevented this if the Congress would have listened to him.’

‘I think he admitted it himself.

‘His visit here isn’t a re-election campaign stop, but it is a campaign stop for an agenda that he and his associates believe is important.

‘And that is to take away Americans right to own firearms.’

‘It shows not only a total disdain, a disregard for Constitution, but our very citizens, especially those of us right here in Douglas County.

‘We believe in the Second Amendment. We believe in the whole Constitution.’

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