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“Slaughter of the Cities,” cont. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“Slaughter of the Cities,” cont.

October 23, 2015

ROBERT M. writes:

A few thoughts on Paul C.’s comments in the entry, “What Happened to Those Urban Enclaves:”

1.The WASP establishment already lived in the suburbs or in private places in the city. So this urban redevelopment wasn’t going to affect them at all. If anything it was going to bring cheaper gardeners, maids, etc. closer to their doorstep. And enable them to get out to their country homes faster.

2. The public sphere was destroyed. Because of the so-called “rights of the oppressed” you didn’t have to be polite anymore. Any person began having the right to barge into a social situation, no matter how customary, and just demand “free-speech,” “rights,” “acceptance,” ”recognition,” etcetera. So everybody retreated indoors and watched television. But the same cultural manipulators were waiting for them on the tube, lo and behold! Including a picture of suburbia presented by Leave it to Beaver. No wonder they soon moved.

3. Jews are always interested in undermining a majority culture, because they are the perpetual minority. Increasingly, WASPs became so interested. WASPs of course had more power than Jews in mid-Century America.

So it wasn’t so much a matter of an overarching plot of crushing the Catholics. Sometime interests just dovetail. But when opportunities for disruption happened, when the planners saw that Catholics were going to have their very existence crushed, it was like, “So what? That’s a good thing!”

Thus, urban planning and the thesis of E. Michael Jones’s book Slaughter of the Cities.

Recently, I’ve begun to think that the Sexual Revolution was wrought in a similar matter. When you plaster sex into every pore of society like that, who is going to be the group that’s most affected? Celibates, of course. So the Catholic priest was going to be affected. Vows of celibacy were renounced immediately. Vocations plummeted. I personally believe that a lot of latent pedophilia, ephebophilia, and homosexuality was teased out. But Jews and WASPs already thought that celibacy was a stilted, puffed-up practice. So they of course didn’t care.

Finally, blacks are proxies. The biggest mistake you can make is to fall into the trap of fighting the immediate enemy. When you fight blacks, this is what happens.

Blacks were thrown at whites in a fight that blacks didn’t even know existed. A fight that went all the way back to Europe … by someone who was pulling the levers higher up.

It would have been better if Catholics rather than throwing rocks at blacks had gotten together with them and said, “We are both pawns. We understand your feelings, but please understand ours.”

If you don’t read Jones, you’re not understanding history, in my opinion. History was just a random flurry of spontaneous events before I read Jones. (Kind of like how they taught Euro History in High School: “Oh no, what are the French doing now?”) His reads are long, but always worthwhile.

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