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The Chills and Thrills of Halloween « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Chills and Thrills of Halloween

October 28, 2015

IT ALL seems like good fun. But is it? Dr. Marian T. Horvat wrote in 2004:

Exploiting the skeletons, ghosts, vampires and demons, even in the ludicrous form of costumes and masks, the modern Halloween does more than obliterate the memory of death – it is a kind of invitation for our children to be accustomed to the worst side of Paganism, which is its familiarity with horror and the devil.

— Comments —

Paul C. writes:

Halloween is not a problem. The problem, as it were, is today’s culture assuming the author’s belief that it has become largely harmful. Yes, adults are allowing children to dress as all sorts of inappropriate beings such as nuns and other beings that cannot be recalled now.

The answer is not the abolition of Halloween, an extremely fun night for children, but teaching appropriate conduct.

The nature of Halloween was and is candy, not spooks, which were and are a mere sidelight.

Laura writes:

I have always enjoyed Halloween.

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