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The Emasculated Church « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Emasculated Church

October 23, 2015


Introibo Ad Altare Dei reports on the plan for female deaconesses.

— Comments —

Alex writes:

Maybe the reason the church leaders have ended up gay is because they have no real enemies. Not just political enemies but the kind that cuts off their heads and exhibits the heads on spikes outside the Vatican gates. If our current pontiff had to worry about being murdered along with his staff he might consider being loyal to his charges. In the early days of the church it was rare for a pontiff to die in his bed (thanks Malachi Martin), up until very recently popes were at war and actually fighting an enemy. The Holy Spirit directed the popes to literally fight and protect Christendom (see Swiss Guard), and if lots of evil doers died then so what. The cushy nature of the job and support from all world leaders has led to this situation.

Laura writes:

They would have more enemies if they were Catholic.

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