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The War of the Sexes, Argentina 2015 « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The War of the Sexes, Argentina 2015

October 23, 2015


THE SCENE last week at the Cathedral of Mar de Plata in Argentina as feral bands of women, some masked and half naked, observed the pro-abortion March for Women by attacking Catholics praying and standing watch. From Lifesite News:

The women tore down the outer gate of the cathedral and hurled glass bottles and feces at the young men standing guard. When they  attempted to burn down the Cathedral the police began taking measures to  disperse the hordes.

Father Gabriel Mestre, the “Vicar of the Cathedral,” reportedly gave this shocking statement:

“[O]ne has to accept the dynamic and the dissent, and in fact in the Church we have to accept it because I think that more than half is in favor of legal abortion, and for that there are proper avenues, within a pluralistic and democratic society to generate policies which each from his ideological frame of reference considers as an appropriate way to progress, just like happened with ‘marriage’ equality or with divorce.”

— Comments —

A reader writes:

I admire those men.

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