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Trump and Putin « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Trump and Putin

October 7, 2015

DONALD Trump’s statements on Russian intervention in Syria are excellent:

“It is not even a contest!” Donald Trump said in response to an NBC News presenter’s question about whether it had been better when Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were in power.

“Iraq is a disaster… Libya is not even a country,” he explained. “You can make the case, if you look at Libya, look at what we did there – it’s a mess. If you look at Saddam Hussein with Iraq, look what we did there – it’s a mess.”

Trump said that Washington is “destroying our country” by wasting too much money on Middle Eastern policies that do not seem to work: “We have spent $2 trillion in Iraq, probably a trillion in Afghanistan…”

“[Syria] is going to be the same thing,” Trump said, criticizing US support of so-called moderate Syrian rebels.

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