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What’s a Catholic To Do? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

What’s a Catholic To Do?

October 5, 2015

NICK W. writes:

Thank you very much for all you do. I’m in a state of spiritual confusion and don’t know who else to ask for advice on how to deal with the Church in the current climate. I had made excuses for a long time and tried to give the benefit of the doubt, but the decision made by the Pope to have Church organizations take in foreign, non-Christian invaders has been the final straw. I do realize it is our duty to provide aid and charity to the needy, but this can be done without giving tacit approval to the Camp of the Saints scenario we are seeing in Europe and the United States. It is clear to me that the current leadership believes more in Christ the Communist than Christ the King, and I just simply can’t agree with this.

I live in North Carolina, which doesn’t have a large Catholic population to begin with outside of major cities, and the church I attend is, of course, heavily in favor of dissolving borders in the name of equality, which has irked me from time to time in the sermons provided. I remind myself that receiving the sacraments and continuing our family’s traditional faith matters more than the politics of the Church, but I honestly don’t want to be associated with the pathological altruism of the current leadership, and I’m at a loss for what to do. My only options for a more traditionalist church are two SSPX chapels within a reasonable distance I can attend, but I worry about condemning myself for a heretic if I do so. Basically, as someone new to this line of thinking who doesn’t want to make hasty decisions, what advice would you give to someone like me?

Laura writes:

My advice is that you join the resistance. Defend the papacy. Refuse to recognize the Counter Church.

The political support of the Vatican II Church for dissolving Western nations through open borders has no basis in Catholic dogma. Charity, yes. National suicide, no.

This is only one of many problems with the Vatican II Church and I believe it would not exist if Catholic worship had not been gutted. The Traditional Catholic Mass is a source of sanctifying graces, but also common sense and wisdom.

Study sedevacantism. I recommend that you buy The Anti-Modernist Reader: Studies on the New Religion of Vatican II, Volume I: The Papacyedited by Fr. Anthony R. Cekada. This should help you with the theological issues. The faith is the most important thing. Defend the Catholic Church, not the fake church.

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