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Who Are We to Judge? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Who Are We to Judge?

October 9, 2015


IN this video, Brother Michael Dimond, O.S.B., of Most Holy Family Monastery does a fine job of analyzing “Pope” Francis’s scandalous meeting with a homosexual couple in Washington D.C. The private audience with a former student and his much younger “boyfriend” was arranged by Francis himself — no act of charity or beautiful “inclusiveness,” but another display of gross intolerance by the pseudo-pontiff. It was, in effect, an endorsement of sodomite marriage in America. Francis never once publicly condemned the Supreme Court ruling in Oberfegell vs. Hodges during his junket. His appalling lack of mercy and love for homosexuals, who are pressured everywhere to become the lonely slaves of their compulsions, and his failure especially to protect children, whom he smothers with random kisses during his public parades but does not love enough to defend from harm, have no foundation whatsoever in the Catholic Church. To add to his message, Francis distanced himself from the courageous Kim Davis, a Protestant woman of true Christian charity whom Francis should have openly praised and graciously urged to enter and embrace the one true Church.

And you call this man “pope,” dear Catholic? Think again. All this is the inevitable unfolding of the false religion of Vatican II, which has deprived even highly virtuous Catholics of illuminating graces and veiled their minds from the truth.

There is nothing in Catholic dogma that requires a Catholic to accept a non-Catholic as his spiritual leader. The very idea is absurd. Perhaps this article by Steven Spray will clear up some of the theological smoke regarding the position of sedevacantism.

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