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Francis and The White Crucifixion « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Francis and The White Crucifixion

November 13, 2015


THE White Crucifixion by Marc Chagall is apparently the favorite painting of “Pope” Francis (it’s on the cover of one of his books). The blasphemous artwork is an interesting study in psychological warfare against the Church. Maurice Pinay writes:

What we’re looking at above in The White Crucifixion is a work of alchemy, and anyone who knows anything about Hasidic Judaism will know where I’m coming from with that observation. Quite simply, ‘Chagall’ has transmuted the ideological descendants of the Pharisees who had Jesus Christ executed into Christlike victims, while transmuting Jesus into an East European Hasid (by the striped prayer shawl and surrounding context).

There are subtexts surrounding this central theme:

… a mother hugs her child to her chest as she flees the destruction. Above her is a Torah scroll with white light streaming from it and a figure stepping over the light. This refers to a famous Hasidic tale, when a bishop ordered the Torah to be burnt. Rabbi Israel prayed and his prayers pierced to the palace of the Messiah. As a result the bishop fell into a fit, which frightened those who intended to burn the scrolls …

… a synagogue is being burnt by a Nazi brownshirt whilst behind Nazi flags can be seen … (Richard Harries, The Passion in Art, pp. 109-110)

Now, at this point I would like to return to a theme that I have endeavored, quite alone, to bring to Christian conscience, that of Rabbi Abraham Heschel’s admission in an Israeli interview that he intended to attack the souls of Christians by subtly comparing them to Nazis. ‘Chagall’ is clearly doing precisely the same thing in his painting above which Pope Francis identifies as his favorite work. Moreover, Pope Francis is directly under the influence of Rabbi Abraham Heschel’s thinking, parroting Heschel’s ideas from his lecture, “No Religion is an Island” in the interview/book he published with Rabbi Abraham Skorka, Sobre el Cielo y la Tierra. Pope Benedict XVI also parroted these ideas from Heschel in his speech at Auschwitz.

See more interesting posts on Bergoglio’s promotion of the The White Crucifixion at Call Me Jorge.

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