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More on the Phony Suicide Bombing « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

More on the Phony Suicide Bombing

November 25, 2015


THISĀ Youtube poster makes similar points to those I made in a previous post about the phony suicide bombing in the Comptoir Voltaire in Paris. He finds Masonic symbolism in the staged event.

Earlier in the week, the media reported the story of a nurse who supposedly performed CPR on the suicide bomber. [Do paramedics normally perform CPR on someone with a gaping “hole” in his side? I would think that would increase the loss of blood. But, wait a sec, there is no blood in this scene.] Whoever staged this event is so confident of the ability to deceive today’s gullible masses who gulp down anything the media feeds them that they did not even bother to remove glasses and plates from the table next to the alleged bomber. Quite an explosion. They are probably howling with laughter at how easy it is to con millions. To them, this kind of deception must create a high — a euphoria that is like a drug.

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