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The Banking Scam « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Banking Scam

November 20, 2015

MARK JAWS writes:

Ten years ago I would have thought that Syrian girl was one of those conspiracy-mongers and a Jew hater to boot.  After all, she is Syrian, and I am Jewish, and we Jews come as easily to that general conclusion as matzuh balls are drawn to chicken soup.

Then I started listening to Ron Paul and my curiosity was piqued by his calls to audit the Federal Reserve Banking system.  “Audit the Fed?” I thought.  “Why?  That is the nation’s bank!”  But thanks to Youtube I learned that the Fed is not the nation’s bank after all, but rather a private consortium of banks run strictly for profit.

And what’s even worse is that this privately run consortium of bankers runs just about every “central bank” of every nation, with a few exceptions.

And what’s even worse is that members of this consortium finance both of our parties with Republicans racking up monstrous debt through wars and endless foreign interventions, and Democrats with monstrous growth of our welfare state.  The result is the fiscal enslavement of regular people.

And what is even worse is that these banksters own just about all of the media and the major publishing houses – so no one is let in on this scheme, unless they catch wind of it on the internet, and then they must have the time, disposition, and discipline to educate themselves as I have.

And what is even worse, is that unlike previous rulers and dictators whose names we all knew, we have no idea who these puppetmaster string pullers are, other than they hail from the Houses of Rothschild, Warburg, Schiff, and Rockefeller.

And what’s even worse, is that I can now make sense of the then seemingly raving lunacy of Mel Gibson.

— Comments —

George Weinbaum writes:

For 35 years now, I have advocated repealing the Federal Reserve Act and returning to the gold standard. If you printed green pieces of paper and passed them off as money, the Secret Service would arrest you for counterfeiting. But Janet Yellen does exactly that. The Fed has had Jewish Chairpersons: Bernanke, Greenspan and Yellen. So? That does not prove the Fed is a “Jewish Plot.” The Rockefellers supported creating the Fed. So? I suggest reading Andrew Jackson’s 1832 speech in vetoing the recharter of the Second Bank of the United States. The fight for sound money in the US is an old one.

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