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The Model Minority: Corporate Subjugation Edition « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Model Minority: Corporate Subjugation Edition

November 23, 2015


Barry C. Lynn has an article at Harper’s on “The New China Syndrome: American Business Meets its New Master.” He writes:

As our biggest manufacturers and traders and investors succeed in China, they also come to depend on China for future profits — which brings them increasingly under the sway of a Chinese state that holds the power to cut those profits off. What if the master capitalists and corporate bosses who have so cowed us here at home are themselves being cowed in Beijing? What if the extreme economic interdependence between the United States and China is not actually carrying our values into a backward and benighted realm, but accomplishing precisely the opposite — granting the Chinese Politburo ever-increasing leverage over America’s economic and political life?

The difference in China, he says, is that employees were angling less to serve their own interests than those of hidden masters. “We realized that the loyalties of many of our employees were entirely
split. Even if they had the best of intentions, even if they really wanted to drag China into a more open and democratic era, they were still under immense personal pressure to serve the state.”’

This is also true of ethnic Chinese employees of companies in the United States – even those who were born there.

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