The People’s Tattoo Machine
November 9, 2015

ERIC writes:
File this under ‘Things That Did Not Need To Be Invented’. I think we can foresee the outcome of this. It won’t be pretty.
The Housewife has been largely silent on the pressing issue of tattoos, particularly of women. She would not happen to be a painted lady herself, would she?
Just askin.’
Laura writes:
I’ve had a number of posts about tattoos. There’s nothing more to say, I think. They’re ugly and immoral. I hate tattoos, but not the people who have tattoos, of course.
When I see someone with lots of tattoos (except the old-fashioned military kind), I think, “There’s someone weak who is trying to look tough.” The center is not there. People want to pretend it is.
The People’s Tattoo Machine is a must-have device in the People’s Republic of the USA.
Tattoos are another hallmark of mass moral enslavement. In totalitarianism by desire, people brand themselves willingly. There’s no need for guards stamping them with dehumanizing, indelible numbers.
— Comments —
Sven writes:
Don’t all tattoos say exactly the same thing? “Ask me about my parents’ divorce.”
Michael from New Jersey writes:
Very much enjoy your site –
I was struck by your notion of “totalitarianism by desire”
I am at a getting-my-concepts straight point and have been thinking in terms of “consensual tyranny.”
I think we’re close! Nothing more stuuupid than comparing everything, every state, every period to the “NAZIS.” Tyranny comes in many forms …and my hunch is that somewhere about 1946 or 7 our ruling class decided that the plain old stomping boot wasn’t working – something more sophisticated was called for.
Fast-forward six or seven decades… and I think we (a few of us) are coming to understand just how sophisticated our tyranny is!
Laura writes:
Thank you.
Perhaps that is a redeeming purpose of our society: to serve as a permanent testament to the use of moral liberation as a political weapon against the masses.