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The Photogenic Terrorist « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Photogenic Terrorist

November 23, 2015



TWO DAYS after the recent Paris attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 27, was identified by French authorities as the Muslim terrorist who planned and executed the attacks. Even though French intelligence agents apparently knew nothing about his plans and those of his cohorts before the attacks, in a mere two days they knew all about Abaaoud’s role and had a full portfolio on him to release to the press in what was a staggeringly short time in the world of police investigations. The news stories immediately broadcast that he was the “mastermind” behind the attacks. They even knew about his efforts to recruit his own 13-year-old brother.

Abaaoud, who grew up in the Moleenbeck district of Belgium, was allegedly well known for his terrorist activities and was even questioned in January in Belgium. He was so well known, in fact, that he posed on the cover of an ISIS magazine, Dabiq.  Bet you didn’t know ISIS has its own magazine! And yet despite this publicity he was able to circumvent Frances strict gun control laws to obtain assault weapons for his ISIS fanatics and provide them with malfunctioning suicide vests. Abaaoud was such a mastermind that he apparently planned no effective escape after the attacks and was even seen on a street of Paris drinking whiskey.

Abaaoud was killed in a police raid last Wednesday. He was not only shot by snipers but blown to bits by grenades. Abaaoud will not be standing trial or conducting any more interviews.  He had to be identified by DNA samples in swabs of his saliva.

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