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The Toronto Hearings and 9/11 « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Toronto Hearings and 9/11

November 10, 2015


ON the tenth anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, experts in structural engineering, physics, chemistry, and history gave evidence before an international panel of judges at Ryerson University in Toronto demonstrating that the official version of 9/11 is false. The panel of judges called for a new investigation into the attacks. This truly outstanding film, “9/11: Decade of Deception,” is a summary of the evidence given over the four days of hearings, which can be read and viewed in its entirety here. Though the film is four years old, it is still fresh and relevant. A reader wrote:

I came across this video yesterday and I think it is probably the finest composition of facts supporting the fraud of the airborne attacks against this country.  It is a panel of scientists from various disciplines.  They are succinct, articulate and dead serious.

I too highly recommend this film.

— Comments —

Tim Ehlen, who sent the movie, writes:

I am glad that you find Decade of Deception worthy of your blog.

Were it not for your site, I may have never known about the Sandy Hook fraud.

Thank you for all of your good work.  We know that God is in charge, and that he allows these monstrous sins so that on the final day, everyone will know He is God.

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