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The Whole World’s a Stage « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Whole World’s a Stage

November 19, 2015


THE transparently phony Fox News personality, Geraldo Rivera, is shown here reunited with his daughter, Simone, earlier this week in Paris. Simone just happened to have been in the Stade de France for a football match when suicide bombers attacked it last Friday. (Her acting debut!!)

From the very first moments after the attack, Rivera, who is Jewish, was publicly advocating war in the Middle East and he continued to do so in Paris:

“We need to respond by declaring war on them… if we don’t kill them, they’re going to kill us.”

He offered specifics, calling for Russia, the U.S. and our Middle East Allies to join forces in a war against ISIS– even if have to drag the latter in “kicking and screaming.”

“I want a massive ground campaign to conquer ISIS once and for all,” Rivera said.

For now, he gets to hug his daughter again; a small, but maybe bigger victory for the news veteran.

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