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They Hate Us Because We Are Wonderful « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

They Hate Us Because We Are Wonderful

November 20, 2015


If it is up to Western politicians, the world is doomed for sure. To the man and the woman they are warmongers. Moreover, the response to the false flag/hoax attack is mindless. The morons declare that the West is attacked because it allows women to be educated. The West is attacked because of “french values and French way of life, because we dance” (Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius). In other words, the nonsense that worked for the idiot US president, George W. Bush, works for the French. “We are attacked because we are good.” All of us good people here in the West would never be attacked because we have looted and robbed the Middle East for a century and followed up the looting with 14 years of military devastation of seven countries, producing millions of deaths and displaced persons.

Really, it is a wonder that there are not round the clock REAL TERRORIST ATTACKS on Western countries, who certainly deserve them. [Update: Roberts goes over

— Comments —

Jacques writes:

You quote Paul Craig Roberts, who says:

“Really, it is a wonder that there are not round the clock REAL TERRORIST ATTACKS on Western countries, who certainly deserve them.”

Do you agree with this statement?  It seems deeply morally repellent.  Even if the governments of Western countries were dropping atom bombs randomly in the Middle East, surely those countries would not deserve to suffer terrorist attacks.  By its nature, terrorism is targeted at some arbitrary collection of people who happen to be in the country the terrorists don’t like.  The people targeted are often totally innocent; they may be children, for example.  This is pretty obvious stuff, no?  Shouldn’t we be very leery of anyone who apparently thinks it’s okay — not just okay, but righteous — to kill children just because they happen to belong to some “country” that has done bad things?

As Lawrence Auster often pointed out, Roberts is not a rational or moral thinker.  His hatred of the US government, however justifiable, has turned him into a demented hater of pretty much everything Western.  What kind of person thinks that French children on the subway deserve to be killed in a terrorist attack?  There seems to be no real difference between Roberts’ beliefs and those of the terrorists themselves.  And if he just means, instead, that the elites of Western countries deserve some kind of punishment, then he is speaking in a totally irresponsible (demented) fashion.  No “real terrorist attacks” could serve to mete out justice to those who are truly blameworthy.  If the “country” of France deserves terrorism, its children deserve to be blown to bits.  This attitude is very sick (and sickening).  Certainly it is not compatible with Catholicism or just war principles.

I realize you didn’t explicitly say that you approve of the whole quoted passage.  But in quoting it without any comment you are suggesting approval.  Anyway, I am curious to know what you think about this.

Laura writes:

I agree. He completely goes overboard in that last sentence that I posted, and I shouldn’t have posted it. I’m sorry about that. In posting that sentence, I went overboard too though I was focused on his other points. It’s a sick idea, really. No country deserves attacks on innocent non-combatants. And it must always be remembered that Americans were lied to and manipulated from all sides.

As far as his general opinions, I am not an expert on Paul Craig Roberts or a regular reader. I know he is one of the few who speak out against the lies of 9/11 and who have questioned the news reports of the Paris attacks. I remember Mr. Auster’s harsh criticism, but I would have to go back and reread to recall all the specifics of it.

Bill R. writes:

Laura is right; Roberts goes too far.  But, in another way, he doesn’t go nearly far enough.  He apparently thinks it’s more gutsy to suggest abominations such as that innocent children deserve to be blown to bits than to spell out one of the most important reasons the West finds itself on the receiving end of Islamic terrorist attacks: our unquestioned, uninterrupted, and grotesquely generous support of the terrorist state of Israel so they can continue to torture and murder Palestinians as they bulldoze their homes, and plot the downfall of their Middle Eastern neighbors with white European boots on the ground.  George Bush may have been an idiot for suggesting we are attacked because we’re wonderful, but Roberts is one, too, or a coward, or both, for suggesting it’s because “we have looted and robbed the Middle East for a century.”  No, Roberts.  Israel has done that — and more.  What the West has done is bankroll their crimes.

If you really want an answer to your question, Roberts — will the Matrix prevail? — I suggest you start by finding out the ethnic identity of those overwhelmingly in control, if not the outright owners, of all its necessary parts; movie-making, television broadcasting, publishing houses, newspapers, and the big money required to control the frontmen who serve as our politicians.  I’ll give you a hint; they’re not Arabs, they’re not white Western European gentiles, and you’ve already mentioned one of them, Kenneth Weinstein of the US Broadcasting Board of Governors.  Go look it up and then come back with a little — uh-hmmm, chutzpah (another hint) — and try writing your column again.  Maybe in the process you’ll also learn that your “secret agenda” is no secret at all — to a Zionist.

Trying taking the real Red Pill, Roberts.  What you’ve been swallowing so far is a placebo.


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