America Is an Occupied Nation
December 2, 2015

DR. PRESTON JAMES at Veteran’s Today writes about the globalist crime syndicate that now controls all the reigns of power in America, makes money for itself through a form of institutionalized black magic and brings the hot polloi daily doses of soul-destroying filth and distraction.

— Comments —
Thomas Bertonneau writes:
The hoi in “hoi polloi” is already a definite article (Greek, of course), so the phrase “the hoi polloi” is redundant. It is the equivalent of writing the the many. (Polloi, the adjective, means “many.”)
Otherwise you use it within the limits of its definition – “the unwitting, uncritical, un-self-reflective masses.”
Laura writes:
Thank you.
I always appreciate corrections.
Mark Jaws writes:
Thanks to Ron Paul, my eyes were opened to this monumental swindle over five years ago. Like most people, I used to think the Federal Reserve was “the nation’s bank.” I had no idea it was a private banking consortium ran for profit. But what did I know?
I am also a linguist, and a pretty decent one. I speak Spanish, German, and Russian fluently – not with native skills, but good enough to have served as a liaison officer with the German Army Bundeswehr for US Army V Corps exercises in the early 1990s. It was through that work that I met the grandson of the famous German general, Heinz Guderian. We developed a collegial relationship and so I asked him why he thought one of the most advanced countries in the world, Germany, could fall for the Nazi propaganda. He said, “Listen to their songs, and then you will understand.”
One of the things that I find intriguing about the propaganda masters of totalitarian regimes is the blatantly raw emotional appeal they make to the inner soul. If you have ever heard the Soviet warsongs “Sacred War” and “Song of Schors” you’d know what I am talking about. Well, I kept on noticing in the Nazi songs that the Germans were constantly singing about “Freiheit” or freedom. And I remember thinking to myself how odd for Nazis to be singing about freedom. How could anyone utter the words Hitler and freedom in the same breadth?
However, when I learned of the extent of the enslaving scheme behind these privately owned central banks, the light bulb went off. This is exactly the chain from which the Nazis were trying to break away. It is both tragic and sad that Hitler ended up a genocidal maniac who went about killing millions of little Jews for the sins of a few hundred or thousand Big Jews. Because when it came to what I call the Kosha Nostra, the predominantly Jewish controlled cabal encompassing media, entertainment, finance, and politics, the Nazis diagnosed the problem almost perfectly. Their prescription, however, was disastrous. After all, American law enforcement did not have to kill every Italian to seriously weaken the Mafia.
Laura writes:
If you can provide evidence that Hitler intended to exterminate the Jews, as opposed to use them for slave labor and deport them, I would be interested to see it.