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Divide and Conquer « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Divide and Conquer

December 21, 2015

THE New York Times featured an article Saturday about the rise of anti-Muslim crimes in the U.S. Mike King wrote a rebuttal, at the Anti-New York Times (get a reduced price subscription here until Friday):

Putting aside for a moment the bloody damn evil of the whole Zionist-Marxist mendacity machine, one has to stand in awe of the sheer genius of it all — particularly the manner in which these Sons of Satan will so often accomplish multiple objectives with a single play.

Take the War on Iraq, for example. At the behest of the Jewish Power, an enemy ruler, Saddam Hussein, was removed from power in Iraq (and executed) while the “White” Republican’t Party got stuck with all the blame for starting the disastrous war. As a result, the Marxist Democrats took control of Congress in 2006 and the Marxist queers Mr. & Mr. Obongo were installed in the White House in 2008.

The most recent illustration of this two-for-one subversion move involves the back-to-back false flag attacks of Paris and San Bernardino, California. As always, Muslims / Arabs were falsely accused while ignorant Whites and the Republican Party walked right into the trap of spouting overtly bigoted rhetoric that will only serve to alienate non-Whites — pushing them further and further into the Democrat-Marxist camp.

Of course, leave it to the slanderous Slimes [The New York Times] to then piss and whine about the very same “Islamo-Phobia” and “racism” which its own seditious scribblers created by selling one false-flag event after another after another after another to the gullible public.

Eric Lichtblau (cough cough) is the Pulitzer Prize-winning author (red flag!) of this piece. He is also the author of the nonsensical ‘The Nazis Next Door: How America Became a Safe Haven for Hitler’s Men.’  By never questioning the authenticity of any of the numerous CIA & Mossad false-flag attacks, scum such as Lichtblau and his Sulbergerian superiors have created the culture in which violent bigotry towards innocent Muslims must surely grow. They then turn around and blame the hatred of Muslims on the intolerance and stupidity of angry FOX News-watching White people. Thus, Muslims look bad and White conservatives look bad at the same time. Genius!

To psychoanalyze the angry Whites who are now themselves terrorizing innocent Muslims, Lichtblau calls to witness Brian Levin (cough, cough), a criminologist at California State University, San Bernardino. Mr. Levin runs a ‘hate-crimes’ research group at the university, the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, which produced an “analysis” and provided the results to Slimes:

Mr. Levin informs us:

“The terrorist attacks, coupled with the ubiquity of these anti-Muslim stereotypes seeping into the mainstream, have emboldened people to act upon this fear and anger.”

Rebuttal: Levin fails to mention the fact that the ISIS  “terrorist attacks” (real or not) have Zionist fingerprints all over them. He also omits the fact that “anti-Muslim stereotypes” are only “seeping into the mainstream” because the related industries of “mainstream” media and Hollywood are both Zionist through and through.

Levin, again:

“I’m saddened by this but not surprised. Whenever we see intergroup conflicts making headlines, we often see a spike in hate crime accompanying it.”

Rebuttal: If Levin is indeed so “saddened” by this latest “spike” in anti-Muslim hate crime, then why won’t he finger his fellow tribesmen in the Piranha Press and Hollywood as the main culprits?  No, let’s blame the blind bigotry on ignorant “White guys”, eh Levin?

It is so ironic — hypocritical to be more precise — to hear these crooked characters lecture us about the very “hatred” which they themselves have taught uninformed Whites / Christians to have against Muslims. It calls to mind the sanctimonious lyrics of ‘You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught’, a famous song from the hit 1949 musical, ‘South Pacific’, composed by Richard Rodgers (cough cough) and Oscar Hammerstein (cough cough). The subject was about about the acceptance of interracial relationships.


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