Four Eyewitness Contradict San Bernardino Account
December 10, 2015
FOUR people who were allegedly at the scene of the San Bernardino shootings last week told mainstream news reporters in the immediate aftermath of the shootings that what they saw was very different from the widely reported scenario. These interviews are not being widely broadcast or pursued by the mainstream outlets. Two people said they saw white military-style commandos with guns, not the dark-skinned Syed Farook and his petite, 90-pound wife. See the interview with the witness, Juan Hernandez, here. Scott Creighton reported on another witness:
CBS News did an interview with a witness, Sally Abdelmageed, via the phone right after the attack. What she described was:
“[T]hree men, dressed in all black, military attire with vests on holding assault rifles and one of them opened up the door to building three… and he… opens up the door to building three and … he… starts to spray, shoot all over into the room… I couldn’t see a face, he had a black hat on (mask) and uh, from my view all I could see was a black hat (mask) and long sleeve shirt… black cargo pants with zippers on the sides, big puffy pockets, he had a huge assault rifle and extra ammo… I just saw three dressed exactly the same…. their skin tone looked white. They looked like they were athletic build. They appeared to be tall…”
The men Hernandez and Abdelmageed saw may have looked like these military mercenaries allegedly seen fleeing the scene of the Boston Marathon bombing.

A third eyewitness in San Bernardino said he saw what seemed to be one of the gunmen in a car fleeing the scene and he was white.
Chris Nwadike, a neighbor of Farook, was also at the scene and says Farook was not the gunman. This interview, however, is of very poor quality.
— Comments —
James P. writes:
If the “official version” of the shooting were that white supremacists did it, but eyewitnesses reported Arabs shouting “Allah Akbar!” — that would be credible. But the “official version” blames Arabs, and therefore contradictory witnesses who blame white guys have to meet a very high standard of credibility. The media and the political elite were desperate for this to be anything but jihad. If they had credible witnesses who saw white guys, well, the nationwide manhunt for the neo-Nazi terror cell would still be on. Therefore, these witnesses must not be very credible. And of course, Sally Abdelmageed sounds like the is of Muslim extraction. For her to deflect blame from Muslims onto “white men” is clearly a blatant, self-serving lie.
James P. adds:
Just saw the videos of the two black guys. For them to blame white men is about what I’d expect. Hardly convincing.
Laura writes:
Juan Hernandez is especially credible. In any event, the mainstream media should be pursuing these accounts.
You write:
The media and the political elite were desperate for this to be anything but jihad.
I’m not sure why you believe that. The media and political elite were eager to blame 9/11 on jihadists and they have never to this day pursued the massive amounts of evidence gathered by scientists and experts in numerous fields to the contrary. Hijacked planes did not destroy the three buildings that fell that day. The evidence that they were brought down by explosives is overwhelming. And the evidence that the Pentagon was hit by a missile, not a plane, is also overwhelming.