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San Bernardino Shooting: Did Gov’t Operatives Mess Up? « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

San Bernardino Shooting: Did Gov’t Operatives Mess Up?

December 7, 2015


The fake Muslim bogeyman and his wife

The fake Muslim bogeyman and his wife

HAS there been a major glitch in the staging of a massacre (in which real people may have been killed) in San Bernardino, California? The family of the Muslim man accused of being the terrorist responsible for the attack says none of it adds up. Could it be that this family’s possible failure to cooperate was not considered in advance? Did the inconceivably evil practitioners of political theater who are engaging in criminal acts of treason and psychological manipulation by staging mass shootings mess up?

William N. Grigg writes at Activist Post:

The question of how Sayed Farook could have mutated into a human monster capable of mass murder is just one of many questions plaguing the family of the man accused of carrying out Tuesday’s terrorist attack in San Bernardino. In an interview with CNN, the family’s attorney describes numerous ways that the official story of that horrible crime “doesn’t add up.”

“There’s a lot of disconnects, and there’s a lot of unknowns, and a lot of things that quite frankly don’t add up,” insisted attorney David S. Chelsey, who represents Farooq’s family when asked by CNN correspondent Chris Cuomo how the family “could explain how he went from someone they knew and loved to someone who could do something so monstrous.”

Witnesses and investigators have both described a terrorist onslaught carried out with military precision by suspects who were trained and capable. Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, didn’t appear to have the necessary background and skillset, according to Chelsey.

He expressed particular skepticism that Malik, who was nursing a newborn child, was suitable to carry out a depraved mission of that kind: “She was only about ninety pounds, so it’s unlikely she could even carry a weapon, or wear some type of a vest, or do any of this.”

The most provocative claim made by Chelsey dealt with the condition of the alleged terrorists when their bodies were found:

Where the couple was found, from what I understand, is that they were handcuffed, lying face-down in this truck, shot up.

The macabre photos provided by the police do indeed show Tashfeen Malik lying face down with her hands cuffed. Since when do police shoot people in handcuffs? Since the American police state was fully installed.

Some San Bernardino residents are allegedly questioning the behavior of SWAT teams during the attack. Why was the high-speed chase conducted at 30 miles per hour? Why did the police shoot in residential neighborhoods?

Nodisinfo, a website that maintains this is a “Zionist hoax,” contends photos of the terrorists have been obviously photoshopped. [Warning: Graphic photos of what are probably mutilated dummies and blunt commentary about “Zionist” takeover of America.] And Scott Creighton at Before Its News writes: 

One way you can tell a mass casualty psyop event is when the MSM deliberately gloss over inconvenient details of the official story like they’re not even there. It’s kind of like when the 9/11 Commission Report made the statement that they didn’t really care who financed the operation because “ultimately it’s of little significance”

Keep moving folks. Nothing too see here.

In the case of the San Bernardino shooting spree, there are a lot of inconvenient details. Glaring inconvenient details which scream to be flushed out by the phony “journalists” making big bucks working for the usual suspects… but they wont be.

— Comments —

Anti-Globalist Expatriate writes:

This is standard law enforcement practice – after shooting someone, they handcuff that person, whether or not he appears to be dead.

Laura writes:


Why wouldn’t they do everything possible to keep this couple alive to find out more and question them?

A post at Veteran’s Today asks this and other questions. From the article:

Since the windows of the couple’s SUV were found rolled up and blown out, how could the couple have initiated a gun battle with police through rolled-up windows? Nobody is going to fire assault weapons through rolled-up vehicle windows. The logical inference is that the police executed these people in cold blood. There was no “shootout.”

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