The Female Draft
December 4, 2015

NOW that the Pentagon has approved women in all combat roles, it is only fair that women be required to register with the Selective Service and and be drafted in the event of war. Army Secretary John McHugh acknowledged as much this fall. According to the New York Post, on Oct. 24th:
McHugh, speaking at an Army conference this week in Washington, DC, said draft registration — while just one element of US military operations — “will be one of those things that will have to be considered.”
“If we find ourselves as a military at large where men and women have equal opportunity, as I happen to believe they should, serving in combat positions at least on a formal basis … then ultimately the question of extending the selective service requirements to women as well will have to at least be discussed,” McHugh said.
There is no reasonable argument for excluding women. The privileges of military service should come with the duties. Extension of the draft must be approved by Congress. Start preparing your daughters for military service. Let them play with plastic soldiers instead of dolls.
— Comments —
Joe A. writes:
Yes, subjecting females to the military draft is mandatory. Equality means equality, not special snowflake status.
This will also impose on the useless parents of draft-age females – the Boomers mainly, and some Xers – the horrible cost of their moral cowardice, in allowing the situation to deteriorate so.
You would think the barren, lonely spinsters already accumulating in the 1970s would have been sufficient warning of the evils of feminism and related homosexuality. Old age is a fearsome thing to face without grandchildren; it’s in our genes as well as our soul.
Until now, gutless parents have been able to play both sides against the middle, since “women in combat” are still unusual. When Suzie pretends to be a Marine, everyone congratulates her and her useless parents on how wonderful she is, how broad-minded and supportive her parents are.
When little Suzie comes home a living torso with a disfigured face, melted by ordnance, the awful reality will be unavoidable: their line is terminated.
A society that sends its women to fight for it, absent an all-out, total war of survival, deserves its coming extinction.
I hope Patsy Schroeder and her dozen or so butch-dyke pals jonesin’ for a general’s stars, are happy too.
Pan Dora writes:
Much ado and drama about nothing, folks.
The entire Selective Service system is a holdover from around World War One.
Do any of you really believe our government isn’t capable of finding anyone they choose, should they choose to do it?
They found me a few years back, to tell me my data may have been compromised. I got out of the active Army in the mid-1980’s.
Laura writes:
Well, whatever way they do it, the female draft is a possibility now. That’s not nothing.