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Yuri Bezmenov’s Warning to America « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Yuri Bezmenov’s Warning to America

December 10, 2015


IN 1985, Yuri Bezmenov, Soviet KGB agent and journalist who had defected to the West in disgust at the Soviets’ efforts to destabilize other nations, gave an interview to G. Edward Griffin of the John Birch Society about KGB activity in the United States. If you have not seen this interview before, you are in for an eye-opener with this 13-minute clip. (The full interview can be seen here.)

Bezmenov said that most of the Soviet intelligence agency’s activities involved disinformation and propaganda, not espionage. The goal was “demoralization.” So successful had these efforts been since the 1960s that America was already an occupied nation, he said, and it was only a matter of time before its destruction was complete.

The Marxist-Leninist program he described is that of the Judaic organized crime syndicate that now runs America and is bringing us closer every day to catastrophic war and the American version of the Red Terror.

Notice what Bezmenov said about those idealists and “half-baked intellectuals” who supported the program. They will be lined up against a wall someday, he said, and shot. “Feminists are useful idiots, and are doomed.”

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