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A Murder in Texas « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Murder in Texas

January 5, 2016


YOU probably won’t see Obama weeping over the death of 20-year-old Sara Mutschlechner, a student at the University of North Texas who was gunned down while driving home from a New Year’s Eve party last week. It doesn’t fit the script of the angry white gunman, which is central to the “gun control” scenario:

Sara Mutschlechner was driving along North Elm Street around 2 a.m. Friday when a black Toyota or Lexus SUV pulled up next to her. Words were exchanged and someone in the SUV opened fire, police said.

Mutschlechner was shot in the head. She lost control of her car and crashed into a nearby electrical pole.

Witnesses told police there were five or six young black men in the SUV, which drove off. They recognized at least two of them from a big New Year’s Eve party on Crisoforo Drive.

Eric Jamal Johnson, a corporal in the Marines, was arrested this morning and charged with her murder.

Reportedly, words had been exchanged between the occupants of Mutschlechner’s car and the men in the SUV and Johnson fired, striking Mutschlechner in the head.

We don’t know what happened for sure. We do know that years of deliberately stoked racial grievance  and years of deliberately stoked family breakdown and the almost total breakdown of authority in schools have made black men, to borrow a phrase from E. Michael Jones, into “psychic time bombs.” It is dangerous to exchange words with a carload of black men anywhere in this country, and could cost you your life. No amount of federal gun control will keep guns out of the hands of off-duty Marines.

If Mutschlechter had been a black woman killed in an argument by her black boyfriend, this incident would receive even less attention. An estimated 324,000 blacks have been murdered, often in gun violence, by other blacks in the last 35 years, but that fact doesn’t fit the script and you won’t read about it in the mainstream news. It is not these murders which prompt tear-drenched speeches by Obama. That’s because the goal is not to remove guns from the hands of blacks. It’s to remove them from whites.

— Comments —

Lily writes:

It grieves me to hear of this poor girl’s murder.  I am a North Texas alumnus (2006) who lived on campus four out of five years in school there (in the only all girl dorm).  I mostly kept to myself, so much of the negative transformations so many girls go through in colleges did not manifest in me, though I didn’t leave completely untouched.  Race did not appear to be a big issue then, and the only encounter I had with black men was them basically asking for my number (then assuming I didn’t like black men when I turned them down).  I haven’t been to Denton in over eight years, so I’m sure things have changed.

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