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Confused and Disgusted « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Confused and Disgusted

January 6, 2016


Isn’t Trump a big, confusing guy? There are days when I like what he says, but then I keep retracting my “yes” vote. I keep thinking if George Washington, or Jack Kennedy, or even Jimmy Carter, would talk like him. And the answer is, of course, no.

America does need a strong leader. But, a crass leader makes the people crass, and civilization depends on civilized people. The rest of the world watches, and as America is led by un-civilized, saber-rattling leaders, it will also set its premises likewise.

Isn’t Obama disgusting? He is a truly horrendous person. He is clever, astute, and knows how to get at people – those kind souls who may be on the fence when it comes to gun ownership, etc.

What does he want? I think, ultimately, and this may sound conspiratorial :-), but he wants to cut off American citizens’ strengths, and specifically white Americans, since he knows that thugs and jihadists will get their guns anyway, but the honest family, which goes through legal loopholes to own its guns, is the one that will be affected. And this means law-abiding, civilized, white Americans.

He is truly despicable. I think he is actually evil. These days, I don’t go into psychological explanations about peoples’ despicable behavior. I categorize them in terms of good and evil. Good people do bad things, but that doesn’t make them evil. Evil-doers know they are doing evil. They have signed a pact with Satan.

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

I like some of what Trump says, but I don’t like the man because of his blatant arrogance. On the other hand, I think his crassness is basically irrelevant at this point; there is something to be said for “straight talk” in a leader, for lack of a better term. At this point in the game we may have to have leaders who tend to overcompensate for decades of neglect on the side of crassness and arrogance, but even then I pretty much believe we’re doomed no matter what. I mean, is the FED and its control of the economy even on Trump’s radar? Is there a political solution to our dire straights? I don’t believe so, but perhaps I’m wrong.

Concerning Obama, I have firmly believed, since very shortly after he occupied the White House, that he is a closet Muslim engaged in his own form of jihad against the former United States. Off topic a bit, but I saw a picture of him on vacation in Hawaii a few days ago, on the beach in swim trunks (no shirt), and my initial thought was “this invader does everything he possibly can to destroy the dignity of the office he holds!” It’s way worse than that with Obama, of course, but it’s a good indication (for me at least) of his overall attitude about the office of the presidency. Not that other Presidents (Clinton, for example) haven’t willingly been photoed in similar attire, but just sayin’.

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