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Feinstein Contra the “Pope” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Feinstein Contra the “Pope”

January 26, 2016



“Pope” Francis bows and hides his cross before an Orthodox Jewish woman in a meeting in September. The woman refused to bow to him or shake his hand. Orthodox Jews believe Jesus Christ is roasting in a pile of excrement in hell.

“PINCHUS FEINSTEIN,” an alleged 74-year-old resident of Miami Beach, has threatened a lawsuit against “Pope” Francis.  Feinstein, the apparent creation of Michael Hoffman of On the Contrary, contends that his conversion to the Roman Catholic Church at the age of 17, and all the subsequent hours and money he devoted to the Church, were wasted.

“Mr. Feinstein” writes in his “Open Letter to Pope Francis:”

Over the years I have contributed tens of thousands of dollars to both Peters’ Pence (the pope’s own treasury about which you of course must be very familiar), and my local parish and diocese.

During that time I attended thousands of Masses, hundreds of holy hours and novenas, said thousands of rosaries, and made hundreds of trips to the Confessional.

Now in 2015 and 2016 I have read your words and those of your “Pontifical Commission.” You now teach that because I am a racial Jew, God’s covenant with me was never broken, and cannot be broken.


You are the Pontiff. I believe what your Commission teaches under your banner and in your name, and what you declared during your visit to the synagogue in January. As a result, I no longer see any point in getting up every Sunday morning to go to Mass, say rosaries, or attend the Rite of Reconciliation on Saturday afternoon. All of those acts are superfluous for me. Predicated on your teaching, I now know that due to my special racial superiority in God’s eyes, I don’t need any of it.

I don’t see any reason now as to why I was baptized in 1958. There was no need for me to be baptized. I no longer see why there was a need for Jesus to come to earth either, or preach to the Jewish children of Abraham of his day. As you state, they were already saved as a result of their racial descent from the Biblical patriarchs. What would they need him for?

This is obviously not a real letter, but it could just as well be one. Here’s more on the Kosher Church and its blatant heresy on the salvation of the Jews.

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