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Interesting « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


January 31, 2016


These links to some of my views and explanations may be pertinent to your readers when considering the issues of money and lending/credit.

I explain what fiat money is here and here. I explain why fiat dollars are (counterintuitively) more transparent and honest than gold backed dollars here. I explain why currency debasement is immoral here. I explain that banks only ‘create money’ because of usury here, where I include an explanation of why non-usurious bank loans do not involve ‘creation of money.’ And I explain what usury is and is not here.

Unsurprisingly, the core problem is usury: an execrable and really rather simple to understand sin which the Church had condemned in a full-throated manner consistently for millennia up until the mid 1800’s.  Usury only started to seem obscure and difficult to understand to many people by the late middle ages, because of propaganda which confused very different sorts of contracts and property arrangements all under the single equivocal term “loan.”

The reason it all seems so complicated now is not because usury is itself especially complicated: it is because usury has been interwoven into every aspect of contemporary life by the modernists. Usury itself is simple to understand and is always morally condemnable: any interest at all charged on a loan for consumption (that is, a loan where the borrower uses what is loaned and personally guarantees to restore the equivalent amount of what was loaned to the lender at some future date).

I realize that that is a lot of material to go through, although I’ve tried to make it as succinct and understandable in everyday terms as possible.  But given our earlier discussion on the subject I thought that you or perhaps a reader or two might find it of interest (no pun intended).

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