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More on Fake Tears and the Narcissist in Chief « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

More on Fake Tears and the Narcissist in Chief

January 6, 2016



Mike King of The Anti-New York Times writes:

The 3-year old memory of the fake deaths of the fake children of the fake Sandy Hook ‘massacre’ so moved the heartless butcher of Libya and Syria that he had to dramatically pause and wipe away fake tears at the mere mention of the fake event.

For those of you who still haven’t come around to Sandy Hooker trutherism, please have a close look at Professor James Fetzer’s ‘Nobody Died at Sandy Hook’ — an excellent book which Amazon.com recently banned — but has since been made available as a free pdf file. [TH: Skip the introduction; go right to the main content.]

Even more shocking than the bad acting are the actual new policies which the felonious faggot put into place by the brazen abuse of his limited powers to issue ‘Executive Orders’. In a rambling speech in which the Nutty Narcissist referred to himself 76 times, Obongo the UnAmerican declared the following “camel’s-nose-under-the-tent” initiatives:

Doctors may report any sign of “mental illness” to the FBI
Arms ban for some Social Security recipients
Beginning of a limited National Registry
Private sale of a single gun constitutes ‘dealing’ — hence, can be regulated

Just as disturbing as the draconian decrees of this vile vermin is the lily-liver response of the Republican’ts who control Congress. Forget about initiating impeachment proceedings, or publicly ridiculing Obongo’s staged weeping, or at least screaming from the Capitol roof-top that Obongo is a lying tyrant — House Speaker Paul Ryan couldn’t even muster enough testosterone to hold a combative counter press conference.

— Comments —

Hurricane Betsy writes:

When I saw the prezident on TV stumbling, sniffing, wiping his (dry) eyes and pretending to be distressed, I had to look away. I simply could not watch. I felt ashamed to be the same species as Obama. The rest of the family was howling, however. I guess I lack a sense of humor.

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