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New Year’s Eve in Cologne « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

New Year’s Eve in Cologne

January 6, 2016

SEVERAL HUNDRED African or Middle Eastern men formed a mob on New Year’s Eve in Cologne, Germany and attacked at least 90 women near the central train station. One woman was reportedly raped and others were groped, pushed and robbed. Angela Merkel says the men must be found:

“Everything must be done to investigate as completely and quickly as possible those who are guilty and to punish them regardless of how they look, where they come from or what their background is,” she said.

And when will Ms. Merkel be punished? The traitors who engineered the inundation of Germany are far, far more dangerous than these lawless mobs.

By the way, here is an interesting comment from a New York Times reader:

To all of those that blame “medieval” gender attitudes of N. African, Middle Eastern, etc. men, here’s a thought for you: Is the GOP any better when they want to take away women’s right to choose, thinks that there’s such a thing as “legitimate rape,” cut funding for women’s reproductive health initiatives, etc. ?

Treating women as “property” is already alive and well in the US.

There are real women who actually think this way.

— Comments —

Rusty writes:

Treating women as “property” is already alive and well in the US.

Tell me about it! I have a problem every year determining whether to count my wife and daughters as “goods” or as “services.”

Pan Dora writes:

Apparently Angela Merkal gets punished by getting Time magazine’s Person of the Year award.

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