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Obama Weeps for Your Guns « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Obama Weeps for Your Guns

January 5, 2016



PRESIDENT Obama shed tears during yet another speech calling for “gun control” today. Ostensibly the tears were for the children killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting. We should be the ones who are crying. There is a great deal of disturbing evidence of fraud at Sandy Hook. (See the bookNobody Died at Sandy Hook, but skip the introduction which creates confusion by going into unrelated events.) Sandy Hook was very likely a criminal act of treason, a federal psy-op intended exactly for the purpose Obama is using it: To take away the guns of Americans so that when the crisis comes, they will not rebel.

The need to move on gun control is urgent. Every single day more Americans are waking up to the truth — to the truth of our corrupt monetary system, to the truth of 9/11, to the truth of false flag shootings and to the truth that America has ceased to be a democracy in any meaningful sense. Obama and America’s real rulers are getting desperate. The Internet is a serious threat to them. They cannot control the flow of information. The main purpose of today’s speech appears to have been to let America know that the president is prepared to take executive action and to act without Congressional approval.

“Congress still needs to act,” Obama said. “The folks in this room will not rest until Congress does. Because once Congress gets on board with common-sense gun safety measures, we can reduce gun violence a whole lot.”

“But we also can’t wait,” Obama added. “Until we have the Congress that’s in line with the majority of Americans, there are actions within my legal authority that we can take to help reduce gun violence and save more lives.”

In addition to expanding and bolstering the background check system to cover sales that take place online and at gun shows, Obama said the administration will provide more funding for mental health treatment, FBI staff and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives agents.

If the president truly cared about the victims of shootings, he would be arming, not disarming, more Americans. The greatest protection against lone gunmen is pervasive armed good citizens trained in the responsible use of firearms. After all, even with strict gun control laws, bad people can get guns if they want them enough. Look at France. It has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world but that did not prevent a handful of known terrorists from supposedly arming themselves and allegedly massacring people in Paris.

This fact is so obvious it makes everything he says stink to high heaven. The common sense solution to mass shootings, which he never considers, exposes the real intentions behind Obama’s message. The man is a pathological liar and human puppet. Look at the way he stares right into the camera as he’s crying so the image can be transmitted across the world for the sheeple who are moved, rather than repulsed, by a leader who cries like a little boy in front of the nation.


Stalin was weepy too

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