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The Roe in “Roe v. Wade” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Roe in “Roe v. Wade”

January 22, 2016

Norma McCorvey, in 1974,right

Norma McCorvey, left, in 1989, with her attorney, Gloria Allred.

NORMA McCORVEY was the real name of “Jane Roe,” the plaintiff in Roe v. Wade, in which the Supreme Court ruled abortion a constitutional right.

Ms. McCorvey later changed her mind and became an opponent of the cause she championed.

Ms. McCorvey, who did not have an abortion but rather gave her child up for adoption as her case wound toward the Supreme Court, did not pinpoint a specific date when she changed her mind about abortion but suggested to ABC News that she had been troubled one day when she noticed some empty swings in a Dallas playground.

“They were swinging back and forth but they were all empty and I just totally lost it,” she said. “And I thought, Oh my God, the playgrounds are empty because there’s no children, because they’ve all been aborted.”

Her pro-abortion attorney, Gloria Allred, brutally dismissed her change of heart as a “career choice.”

The 43rd annual March for Life took place today in Washington, D.C, despite the oncoming storm. Abortion is a great evil and terrible crime, not liberation. That will never change. The abortion-rights movement is anti-woman (and anti-man) to the core.

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