A Cat in Human Form
February 3, 2016

IF THERE are men trapped in women’s bodies and women trapped in men’s bodies and billionaires trapped in middle class housewives, why can’t there be cats trapped in the bodies of human beings? From Lifesite News:
“Nano,” a 20-year-old Norwegian woman, says she realized at 16 that she is, in fact, a cat.
“I was born the wrong species,” Nano says, explaining that because of a genetic defect, she is a cat trapped in a human body.
She speaks in “meows” to her friend. She hisses at dogs, hates water, and says she has a superior sense of smell and can see in the dark.
And Nano hunts mice at night (unsuccessfully).
Her declaration has started a popular YouTube video, currently with over 1.3 million views. In her video, she wears large cat ears and a tail. She also puts on pink fluffy paws to rub her face and gets on all fours to crawl and purr.
“I was born this way,” Nano proclaims.
It is unlikely that other trapped cats will come forward. There are virtually no political or social advantages to doing so. Most of them will probably remain frustrated and isolated.
— Comments —
B.E. writes:
Dennis Avner, a mentally ill man who called himself “Stalking Cat,” had numerous operations and procedures to make himself look more like his “totem animal,” a cat. (Links not supplied; this sort of extreme self-mutilation is repulsive, and I recommend against seeing for yourself: you can’t unsee an image.) Avner died at age 54; perhaps, like Michael Jackson, the stress to his body induced by his extreme “body modifications” caused him to die young.
I am also aware of a couple of mentally ill men who have, through similar procedures, tried to transform themselves into lizards. How “humane” and “caring” of us to let them!
In addition to race and sex–er, I mean gender–it appears that species is a social construct, too. What great new discovery awaits us next, now that we know we can choose our species?
Laura writes:
People with these delusions should be helped with compassion.
It just occurred to me that there may be humans trapped in cat bodies.
Bert Perry writes:
Somehow the Monty Python “mouse problem” skits come to mind. Yes, if someone really does feel he is a cat, show compassion for him. However, if there are people trapped in cat bodies, let them be. We all know that cats are psychopaths, so it could be dangerous to let them re-assume human form.