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A Plan for American Economic Renewal « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Plan for American Economic Renewal

February 11, 2016



A NATION can be for God or for mammon. America is for mammon.

It’s not mammon for the people so that they can form healthy families and communities. It’s not mammon as an instrument for human virtue. It’s mammon as an end in itself and as a tool of power and control. Multiculturalism is a psy op. Sexual liberation is a psy op. Free trade is a scam. All are tools of financial exploitation.

We are an occupied nation. Just drive through the Midwest or the Northeast. Look at all the closed factories. You think that’s normal? You think that’s progress? You think that’s free enterprise? Yeah, it’s about as free as Soviet industry. Oh, what black deeds have been done in the name of freedom.

We need to defund a sick globalist oligarchy that upholds the rootless, cosmopolitan homosexual as its highest ideal* and destroys our borders and the middle class. We need to break up an enormous concentration of wealth in the hands of debt financiers and reclaim our money supply, ending the mass immigration, foreign wars and free trade this monetary system has brought us. Usury (the private sale of money at compound interest) is evil — a sin that cries out for vengeance because it is parasitic and leads to systematic failure over time.

The lengthy essay below is food for thought on this issue. It’s the final chapter from The Tyranny of the Federal Reserve, by Brian O’Brien, a book I have quoted here before. Any presidential candidate who embraces the Federal Reserve system is not working for substantial reform.Prosperity and liberty should not be the highest national ideals, as O’Brien suggests. I don’t accept his version of the American Founding, which was seriously flawed. That is a subject for another time. It’s his specifics about economic reform that interest me and they are good ones — sensible and easy to grasp. Moral nations have sound economics. (The proposals of the social crediters are also worth considering.) O’Brien favors the abolition of all usury.

Before the Great Depression, there was a grass roots movement for monetary reform just like this but that movement fizzled under cries for unity during the war and the increasing control of our government and media by extraordinarily centralized financial forces.

This is O’Brien’s chapter, Awakening the American Spirit:

The international bankers and their globalist project are doomed to failure. But the damage they are causing to our nation is reaching a critical point. To save our country, we must strip them of power— and their power is derived from fractional reserve banking and control of the monetary system. Monetary reform is the answer to the destruction and wreckage they are causing in our country and around the world.

The international bankers are working relentlessly generation after generation toward their globalist vision to end the nations of the world and put in place a world government. They are doing this in secret and behind closed doors because what they are creating is an Orwellian nightmare— a world ruled by usurers; a soulless world where international bureaucrats make decisions behind closed doors; a world where our republic and our rights as American citizens have been lost. Their direct object is the establishment of an absolute tyranny over all the world.

The end state of their vision is one in which the United States of America is no longer an independent and sovereign nation. Our borders will be open and the world’s poor will flood in and the American people will be submerged under an impoverished global proletariat. Our culture, language, traditions and heritage will be lost forever. We will no longer be American citizens with rights protected by our Constitution, but instead global citizens. Our globalist rulers will not view us as American citizens but instead as labor, a commodity to be purchased at the lowest possible price.

The purpose of our military will not be to protect American interests but instead to protect the interests of global institutions. Our young people will be sent around the world as part of an international force to crush opposition to globalist goals. This international force will even be sent into our own communities to suppress opposition to the globalist agenda. Our every move will be watched and recorded under the surveillance state that they are building around us. There is no peace in their vision. Only oppression, poverty, unemployment, the loss of our rights and liberties, the loss of our country, and more war. The Age of Usury culminates in an Age of Darkness that will descend on the planet once the usurers have achieved their ultimate aims.

But there is a better way. Our Founders offered us a different vision. They fought and defeated a king and an empire and gave us a republic founded on the principles that that all men are created equal, that we are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They believed that a government should derive its powers from the consent of the governed.

Our current government has been hijacked by globalists and has become destructive to the principles of the Founders.

The Founders ordained and established our Constitution in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

But since the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913, our money supply, our government, our media and our economy have been hijacked by international bankers who have been working relentlessly to undo the liberties and independence of 1776.

We Americans have been disposed to suffer under the tyranny of our globalist elites, under their booms and their busts, their violations of our independence and our sovereignty, their police and surveillance state, their taxes and their debt, their theft of our prosperity and their deconstruction of our economy and our nation. We have been killed in the hundreds of thousands in their wars. But their evils are still sufferable, and we have not felt sufficient spirit to right our country by abolishing the institutions and practices to which we have grown accustomed. However, because of the long train of abuses and usurpations that are designed to reduce us to absolute despotism, it is our right, it is our duty, to throw off such institutions, and provide new guards for our future security. We must seize the reins of government from these globalist hijackers and institute a new monetary system, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form that will be most likely to affect our safety and happiness. We have suffered patiently under the injuries and usurpations of the international bankers; and such is now the necessity to reform our monetary system and return our government to the principles laid down in our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.

It is time to end the Age of Usury. We must organize a new Abolitionism in America to once and for all cure us of the evils of usury. We must abolish fractional reserve banking, the practice of usury and the Federal Reserve Bank and put in place a new monetary system under American principles. The Federal Reserve System must be replaced with a new system designed to secure our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A new monetary system must be designed under the American principles of transparency and accountability to the people; a system that works to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

The Federal Reserve must be replaced with a U.S. Monetary Council that is operated transparently, subject to checks and balances, accountable to the people and under the authority of Congress. We must retire the Federal Reserve Note and replace it with the U.S. Note that is not backed by debt but instead is issued and regulated by the Monetary Council. We must establish public loan offices in each congressional district. These public loan offices should directly lend U.S. Notes to home buyers and small businesses. The interest from these loans will not be profit for usurers but instead must be re-circulated into the communities from which it is collected and put to work for the public good.

Money could be re-directed away from Wall Street and onto Main Street. We could create a
new economy based on the free enterprise system. We could re-awaken the American entrepreneurial spirit and create a new, diversified and vibrant economy in which wages are high and unemployment is unknown. By enacting tariffs on foreign imports, we could bring production back to America and revive our ailing economy. Public loan offices could provide sufficient credit in our communities to build the new businesses and industries that will drive innovation and production and create new prosperity in our country. By ending immigration, downward wage pressure will end and wages will rise. Our wage structure will change to one of high wages where workers are highly compensated for their contributions to the wealth of their employers and communities. With wages high and unemployment low, our middle class could expand again and grow prosperous. The wealth structure in America would be altered so that there are very few to no billionaires, numerous millionaires, a large and prosperous middle class, and limited poverty that is temporary.

Instead of sending our military abroad to spread capitalism and democracy under threat of bomb and bullet, we could keep our young service members at home to protect our
own nation. Rather than being an invader and an occupier whose military is used to bend other nations to the will of our elites, we should strive to build a better nation here at home, one that is prosperous and free and can serve as an example that others would want to follow.

We are truly fortunate to live in this land. America is a beautiful country. America is a great country. It is a country worth saving. We should defend her, fight for her and not let her slip from our fingers. We must change course or else the international bankers will steal her from us forever. The Founders fought with muskets and bayonets to give us freedom. They put their lives and fortunes on the line for us. They handed down to us a system that allows us to make changes from within merely by political organization rather than through bullet and bayonet. With the proper vision and the right policies we can save our country. We don’t have to continue to allow the deterioration in American life that has come with free trade, wars abroad and the exploitation of cheap immigrant labor at home.

We must fight to save America because right now our birthright is being stolen from us due to our own apathy and our lack of understanding of the financial, political and psychological methods that are being used against us.

We can be a nation with clean streets, safe communities and excellent schools. We can be a nation that is friendly to parents raising children. We can be a nation that gives all of its citizens the opportunity to pursue their dreams and reach their full potential. We can be a nation where everyone can be prosperous through the work of their own hands. We can be a high-wage nation where all of us can be prosperous and free to enjoy the bounty and beauty of this land. As American citizens, this is our birthright.

We can live in a country where democracy, equality, and comradeship are not remote ideals, but something that exists in front of our eyes. We can live in an America where everyone is free and equal, where there is no permanently submerged class. Everyone can have inside, like a kind of core, the knowledge that we can earn a decent living, and earn it without bootlicking— like Mark Twain’s Mississippi raftsmen and pilots, or Bret Harte’s Western gold-miners— like what we used to be. We can be free human beings. Life can have a buoyant, carefree quality that all of us can feel, like a physical sensation in our bellies.

What is to be done?

We must return to normalcy. Like in the 1920s, we can again reject the British System and return to the American System, albeit a perfected American System that corrects that system’s fatal flaw, which is the use of a fractional reserve central bank to supply credit for the economy. In the 1920s, interventionism and entangling alliances were rejected, tariffs were raised and immigration was restricted, ushering in a decade in which the American middle class expanded and experienced prosperity unrivaled in the world. But that decade ended in disaster caused by the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve banks that created speculatory bubbles followed by a contraction of the money supply.

By returning to the American System and perfecting it by reforming the monetary system, we can usher in the Roaring 2020s, minus the speculatory bubbles, and begin a new era in which American middle class prosperity is the new normal and made permanent. Prosperity and liberty can be what define us as American citizens.

We must give up our role as a world police force and bring our troops home. Our foreign policy must return to the wisdom of our Founders. We must avoid entangling alliances. Foreign wars and foreign meddling must be recognized as destructive to our liberty and safety here at home. Our defense strategy should consist of a muscular and vigorous defense of our borders and coastline. Our destiny as a nation is not to remake the world in our image through force. Our destiny is to defend life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness here at home and serve as an example for the people of the world— to show that it is possible for mankind to live in freedom and prosperity.

We must abandon our current free trade policy that we inherited from the British Empire. This is the policy of multinational corporations and international bankers and serves to break down our sovereignty, our economic independence and our prosperity by encouraging the offshoring of American economic production to low-wage nations while reducing the ability of Americans to form businesses or earn decent wages here at home. Free trade is the policy of globalists who want to end the United States as an independent nation. The goal of the free traders is to merge our economy and government into a supranational entity ruled by international organizations, much like what was done to the nations of Europe that have lost sovereignty to the European Union. Instead, we must return to a traditional and constitutional trade policy of protecting American economic productivity and independence through tariffs. Free trade agreements must be scrapped and replaced with bilateral trade treaties that are mutually beneficial to both sides of the trade agreement. Our goal should be to create an economy based on productive work and the domestic production of goods and services to maximize employment and increase the prosperity of the American people.

We must end mass immigration once and for all. The population of the United States is over 316 million people. We are legally importing more than 1 million foreigners into our country every year, and untold numbers of illegal immigrants. Unemployment is high while wages have been stagnant for more than 30 years. Our national cohesion is dissolving and we are being Balkanized into a cacophony of ethnic interests, many of which are destructive to the interests of the American people at large. We rank only behind China and India in population— we have the third largest population in the world. We have no labor shortage. The purpose of mass immigration is to drive down American wages to Third World levels and divide the American people into ethnic groups that are alienated from one another by language, culture, religion, heritage and values.

Mass immigration is a tactic being used to divide and conquer us as a nation and reduce us to poverty. It is the policy of multinational corporations, international bankers and corporatist billionaires who are seeking to destroy us as a nation and a people.

Ending immigration into the United States is a simple matter of policy, an act of Congress, and easily attained merely by allowing for the enforcement of existing laws. The obstacle comes from the media and the richest people in our country who use their money to stir up unrest and relentlessly attack anyone who speaks out about our suicidal immigration policy. Immigration has been restricted before in our history and the results are clear— rising wages. The only way we can achieve these results again is by electing congressional representatives who push hard to pass immigration restriction bills in Congress.

In the early 1920s after the traumatic experience of World War I, the United States rejected entangling alliances and involvement in foreign wars. Antiwar and anti-conscription advocates who were imprisoned by the Wilson administration were freed. We ended mass immigration. The income tax was slashed and tariffs were raised. The results were dramatic.

America entered a period of full employment, rising wages and widespread prosperity. The American people were the most modern and prosperous people in the world.

While Congress and the president ended foreign entanglements, mass immigration and free trade, they left the Federal Reserve and the fractional reserve system in place. The reforms that had been made returned American to prosperity and peace but the fractional reserve bankers were still working their old tricks behind the scenes. The Federal Reserve inflated real estate and stock market bubbles with easy credit and then suddenly raised rates and

contracted the money supply ending the prosperity of the nation for 12 years and allowing a new elite to confiscate the wealth of the nation. The Great Depression ended only when we were plunged into the most destructive war in human history that killed off more than 400,000 American men.

Without monetary reform, the fractional reserve bankers will continue their old game of inflation, deflation and confiscation. It is what they do. We can change our foreign policy, our trade policy and our immigration policy but any positive results will be temporary as long as the fractional reserve bankers are in control of our money supply. We will continue traveling down the banker’s road of boom and bust as long as they have the power to create debt money out of thin air.

The monetary reforms that are needed are simple. First, we must fully audit the Federal Reserve to find out where the money is going and to whom. If any criminality is discovered during the audit, the suspects must be arrested and prosecuted. Second, the Federal Reserve must be closed down and shuttered forever. The Fed has failed as an institution in its stated purpose and instead has concentrated great wealth and power in the hands of a few while reducing the prosperity of the American people at large. It has become a threat to the very existence of our nation and our people.

Third, a U.S. Monetary Council must be created by Congress under the American principles of transparency, checks and balances and representative democracy. It should be given the constitutional responsibility to control the issuance and volume of debt-free U.S. Notes. This commission must be made answerable to the electorate through the Congress and the states. The council’s purpose must be to regulate the American money supply with the intent of facilitating commerce and the needs of the American people. Money should not be an instrument of debt used to enrich international bankers. It should be a medium of exchange that facilitates the trade of goods and services. We must overturn the current system in which Wall Street banks determine how much money is created and who gets it first. Instead, we must form public loan offices that supply money to the people for the purpose of purchasing homes and starting businesses in their local communities. Usury must be abolished because it is destructive to society and to the human spirit. Instead, the collection of interest should only be allowed by public loan offices as a replacement for taxation and a means to circulate the currency in local communities for the public good.

Saving the Republic

Jesus of Nazareth entered the temple and was angered by what he saw. He overturned the tables of the moneychangers and cast out all who bought and sold in the temple. Jesus said to them, “It is written, my house shall be
called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.” The scribes and the chief priests heard him and sought how they might destroy him for they feared him because all the people were astonished at his doctrine.

In our day, anyone who walks the Mall in Washington, D.C. and comes upon the Federal Reserve building might notice it looks remarkably like a temple. The building is constructed of white marble in a neo-classical style.

This building is a temple of usury and greed— a den of thieves. The people inside present themselves as modern scribes and economic priests and masquerade as public servants while they rob the nation and the American people of our prosperity and undermine our Constitution, our liberty and our independence.

What is needed today is [reformers] to enter the temple and overturn the tables of the moneychangers and cast out all those who buy and sell the wealth of our nation using the trickery of fractional reserve banking. We need reformers who breathe fire and brimstone who are not afraid of the wailing and gnashing of teeth of the moneychangers, the speculators and the usurers— who see rightly the bought-and-paid-for politicians as the traitors of the republic that they are.

Our nation produced such a reformer before. President Andrew Jackson, for all his faults, was tough as nails, able to take a bullet, and was never hesitant to cause the bankers to wail and gnash their teeth.

Jackson rooted out the den of thieves and killed the Second Bank of the U.S. But he did not go far enough.

It is not enough to end the Fed. A central bank is the consolidation and centralization of the power of the international bankers. But the source of their power is fractional reserve banking— the ability to use other people’s money for the purpose of usury to create pyramids of debt that exceed the money supply in the economy.

Jackson killed the bank. It took the bankers more than two generations until they were able to re-establish another central bank in the Federal Reserve. The international bankers are transnational and they have an agenda that is transgenerational. They were patient and relentless in their efforts and were able to wait until the time was right and once again seized control of the American money supply. Since 1913, they have hijacked our country to their own ends. They are using us. But only because most of us are blind to it and we allow it through our ignorance and our apathy toward it.
The choice we have today is to accept their goals and watch our sovereignty erode, our independence fade, our prosperity wither and our Constitution made subservient to international law and international institutions that are controlled by a clique of these international elites.

Our current path is leading us into more wars overseas, economic decay, the loss of our culture and heritage and the loss of the liberties and freedoms that our forefathers passed down to us.

What we need today more than ever are leaders to rally the people and once again awaken the Spirit of 1776. Just as the Founders stood up to the British Empire and defeated it at great cost and effort, we must once again stand up and tear down the forces of tyranny and replace them with liberty. [Editor’s note: But they did not protect the rights of God, which led to the rule of money.]

Our nation has produced some of the world’s greatest leaders who conquered the continent and shaped world history. Where are they today? They are dormant while corrupt politicians and Wall Street bankers rule over us.

Leadership is vital in the shaping of human events. The bankers realize this. They are always on guard to marshal all their resources to destroy any person with leadership qualities who is a danger to their agenda. They have carefully selected corrupted personalities that they control to fill the positions of leadership in our nation. These personalities pander to us, whether on the left or the right, while pursuing the agenda of the financial elites.

But America is filled with greatness. We were founded by great men and women and their legacy lives on inside us. In a sense, our task today is much easier than theirs. They left us with a system that allows revolution to occur peacefully. What is needed is merely leadership and a plan. What we need to do is merely vote in politicians to our Congress who we can trust will enact the correct policy changes that will save the republic from the agenda that the bankers have been implementing.

The solutions to stop their rot and restore the republic are simple:

  1. End immigration into the United States and begin a new high-wage era of slow to no population growth. [Editor: I assume O’Brien means no population growth through immigration.]
  1. End America’s world police role and instead follow an American foreign policy of avoiding foreign entanglements, remaining neutral in foreign conflicts and maintaining a strong national defense of the republic and for the republic only. War should be seen as it is— a desperate measure that results in death, destruction and the loss of national treasure. War should only be declared by Congress as our Constitution specifies and should only be declared as a last resort in times of national peril. War should never, ever be a source of profits and enrichment for individuals, businesses or industries. Profits made in the military-industrial complex should be banned and war profiteering should be made illegal. We should recognize the merchants of death for who they are and see clearly without self-deception the blood on their hands.
  1. End free trade and replace it with a trade policy that favors domestic production and domestic employment. Shift burden of taxation off the backs of American workers and business owners and back onto the importers of foreign-made goods. Use the tariff as the main form of taxation as specified in the Constitution.
  1. End all taxes on wages and on the profits of small businesses. The earnings from productive work, from providing goods and services, should not be taxed. Instead, apply the progressive income tax to unearned or passive incomes— to capital gains, dividends and rents. Since small businesses are the main employer of American citizens, small businesses should be run tax free without the constant heavy hand of the IRS on their backs and in their pockets. Instead, shift the tax burden onto multinational corporations, onto importers of foreign goods and onto passive income earners.
  1. Ban the destructive and corruptive practices of fractional reserve banking and usury. These practices produce destructive boom-and-bust cycles and concentrate wealth into the hands of the few while impoverishing the many. These practices amount to modern day slavery and should be seen as criminal, exploitative and destructive to our prosperity, liberty and sovereignty as a nation.
  1. Audit and close the Federal Reserve Bank. Replacethe Fed with a U.S. Monetary Council that regulates the money supply. Monetary Council members should be appointed by Congress and the state legislatures to represent the interests of the nation at large, the people and the states. This council should be accountable to the people and subject to democratic controls, checks and balances, and its monetary decisions should be made fully transparent. Unlike the Federal Reserve that serves the needs of international banks and multinational corporations, the monetary council should serve the needs of the American people and small business.
  1. The U.S. Monetary Council should issue U.S. Notes that are not instruments of debt but instead serve the needs of commerce and the people. The purpose of our currency should not be to facilitate lending and the collection of interest for profit by banks— usury— but instead should serve as a measure of value and an intermediary of exchange. The Monetary Council should determine the volume of the money supply based on the population of the country and the productivity of the economy. The goals of the council should be to ensure that the currency provides a stable measure of value, facilitates commerce and exists in sufficiency to serve the needs of the American people.
  1. Create public loan offices in each congressional district to supply credit to home buyers and businesses. The public loan offices should issue loans as a means to circulate money in the local economy, with interest collected serving as a replacement for taxation. The interest collected from loans should fund the operations of loan offices, and, importantly, should be spent into the local economy in the public interest as a means to enhance commerce and increase quality of life.

These simple policy changes could reorganize our economy to favor productive work and employment over speculation and usury. For much of our history, we did not have a central bank, nor the income tax, nor free trade, nor mass immigration nor a globalist foreign policy. Those things were actually considered un-American and anti-American— the policies of imperialism. We could return to our roots by perfecting the American System. We could once again become a democratic republic, although a better one and a freer one, with a more rational monetary system that discourages debt and encourages work, entrepreneurship and prosperity. We could create a society where work is richly rewarded and speculation and usury are punished. We could create a society with a large, inclusive and prosperous middle class that is easily entered through nothing more than a willingness to work for a living. Unfortunately, due to human nature, the poor will always be with us because of circumstance and misfortune, but we should strive to create a society in which poverty is temporary and easy to overcome through a little personal initiative and a willingness to work. We could create a society where the rich are made up not of financiers, bankers and other swindlers and rent seekers, but instead of inventors, entrepreneurs and exceptional performers in their fields who add value to our lives rather than attempting to siphon off our savings and earnings.

We should strive to create a society in which the American people are free and secure in their constitutional rights— a society where we all have the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, where each one of us is the master of our fates and the captains of our souls, where each of us can direct the course of our lives as we see fit as a free people.

The bankers are small in number but unified in their aims. They are driving forward in a global effort to tear down the nations of the world and create a world system of financial control in their hands which dominates the world and rules over us in feudalist fashion. Their efforts are bringing oppression, poverty, war and tyranny to us all. For us, as Americans, they are working to strip us of our sovereignty, our heritage, our prosperity and of the liberties that our forefathers have passed down to us.

Their vision is for America not to be an independent republic of free and prosperous citizens, but instead merely part of a larger economic bloc with open borders— where a few millionaires and billionaires run the show and the rest of us are part of an impoverished, multicultural global proletariat.

But it is not too late to save the republic that was born of the Revolution of 1776. We have the numbers and the smarts, and collectively, the money. If we, the American people, were to form a united front against them to enact the policies that will save us, the bankers can be cast out of power and defeated.

Of course, they will wail and gnash their teeth. Their media will attack relentlessly. Their bought-and-paid-for politicians, like pied pipers, will pander to us and speak as if they want what’s best for us while attempting to lead us over the cliff.

Our problem, as the great American middle class, is that we lack leadership and direction. The bankers are small in number and focused, while we are large in number and unorganized. We are a slumbering giant that is difficult to awaken.

Leadership is vital in the shaping of human events. To know which leaders are not bought-and-paid-for pied pipers of the financial oligarchy, we should listen to their words while paying careful attention to their actions and to the people behind the scenes who are backing them. If a politician says nice things that you agree with, but behind the scenes works toward increasing immigration, toward more free trade agreements, toward more wars overseas and meddling in the affairs of other nations, toward increasing the power of the Federal Reserve, then that politician is working against us as a people and as a country. [emphasis added]

If someone is a Rhodes Scholar, has ties to the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Conference, the IMF, the World Bank, the WTO, international banks, the mainstream media, the IRS, the CIA, the NSA or the FBI, then that person is working against you, whether he knows it or not. That person is working toward our national destruction.

The road ahead leads either to darkness or light. The great leaders among us who are willing to stand up against the bankers and reawaken the Spirit of 1776 are out there and can lead us to the light of liberty, prosperity and independence.

God has blessed America. We are a blessed people. Like our forefathers, we must stand up for what is right, drive the international bankers out, and reclaim our birthright. God is on our side.

America is worth saving. We must save her. Together, it can be done.

[*Thank you to Dr. E. Michael Jones, author of Barren Metal: A History of Capitalism as the Conflict between Labor and Usury for this observation.]

— Comments —

A reader writes:

Were that the crux of it – our dire straits – we could set matters right easily, relatively speaking. We have rope enough to hang a few to encourage the rest to repent. Unfortunately, the bad lot of globalists are well outnumbered by useful –  I’ll not extend them the generosity of a shadow of a doubt by referring to them as idiots – fantasists.

Edmund Burke noted that virtue, i.e., habitual political impulses, was the prescription for the English people. That which had been drummed into the civilizing man over millennia, had been whitewashed in mere decades by cultural Marxists and rebellious Gnostics.

Our government, our country, and other Western nations, have not been so much hijacked as sold for pottage (bread and circuses… and gadgets).

The eight solutions to stop the rot and restore the republic are simple, but they are not enough – there should be nine. The first should be: restore virtue to its proper place – the prescription for what ails us and all its sequelae. Everyone! Unsheath the prejudices and get judgmental… again.

As our circumstances find us, God would sooner have found ten righteous men in Gomorrah than ten virtuous men in any Podunk, USA.

Laura writes:

None of what Mr. O’Brien proposes is worth anything unless it leads to more virtue, the single most important product of any nation. Unfortunately, the material conditions for virtue are very poor right now. The psychological warfare against the family is well funded.

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