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Gloria’s Loss « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Gloria’s Loss

February 11, 2016


THEĀ feminist war horse has suffered a serious blow. It wouldn’t be so bad if she hadn’t come out and campaigned for Hillary Clinton right before the New Hampshire primary, and told women they would vote for Bernie just to attract guys. But she did, and Hillary’s serious defeat among young women (and all age groups except senior citizens) is a slap in the face to Gloria too. Perhaps women don’t want to be like the former CIA operative who was supported by foundations and major corporations in establishing her career as a phony anti-establishment figure. Perhaps they don’t want to be childless and discontented in old age, living with a three-legged black cat in an apartment. Perhaps many of them know that the feminist bargain (exchange dependence on a man for dependence on large organizations that will never love them) is not such a good deal. It’s not that she dedicated her life to something other than family that’s bad. Not everyone should marry and have children. It’s that she dedicated her life to satanic destruction and darkness. Perhaps she has lived too long, and is seeing the eclipse of her dark powers.

— Comments —

Bert Perry writes:

I don’t see how Ms. Steinem had an abortion. She famously noted that a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle. Certainly she wasn’t riding a bicycle after all, was she?

Seems to me that Ms. Steinem is refuting her own feminism by the simple act of wearing that T shirt.

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